

  • Thanks for all the help, guys. I'll be patient and keep trying what I've been trying and see where I go from there. Perhaps my problem had more to do with eating too few calories rather than too many. In a perfect world with more time for myself I'd be happy to exercise every day and make my own meals but right now I just…
  • Yup. I can honestly say I am logging everything I eat. And these meals are a 7-day a week thing. They are low fat, low sodium, balanced. The only negative thing I can pinpoint is that they include high carbs like white rice, white bread, potatoes, etc.
  • I very rarely go over the sodium intake MFP recommended for my profile. I also drink a lot of water.
  • There is full nutritional value for every meal I am eating. Like I said before, all meals are balanced - vegetables, protein and carbs - and in realistic portion sizes. I am following a calorie controlled plan with full information on what I'm eating and haven't gone over my calorie goal or too far under it.
  • I am currently taking Phentermine. The effects were immediate - I was not at all hungry. I pretty much had to make myself eat. After some time, the effect lessens. I do not get physical hunger pains but I do have to be stubborn and fight psychological cravings. Luckily I have not faced any of the negative side-affects,…
  • Argh... I know exactly what you mean. I retain water like crazy when I am due for my period and I feel extremely bloated. I generally lose my appetite for meals but around the end of the cycle, I get a huge craving for chocolate cake even though I am not a big fan of chocolate in general. As Kalikel said, just think of the…
  • I understand how you feel. It's people like that that make it so hard for me to feel comfortable exercising in public.. People are judgmental and any idiot driving around yelling at anyone on the street is not worth knowing or listening to.
  • In my previous weight-loss attempts, cheat days were almost always my undoing. I believe that you need to carefully consider whether or not you're ready for a cheat day, or if you need to hold off until you're comfortable in the fact that you'll happily resume your healthy eating habits. Maybe instead of a cheat day you…
  • Thank you, I respect that you may want to give advice and that you are doing it to benefit someone else, but I have looked into this in-depth and consulted a doctor I trust. There is no medical reason why I shouldn't do what I am going to do and for my self-confidence, I need that initial boost. I'd just like you to know,…
  • I'm from Newcastle, NSW and I've just jumped back into dieting. I'm 27, single and living alone but I work full-time and do about 54 - 60 hours a week at work. I also have an hour drive to and from work. So although I don't have kids, I have more than enough to keep me too busy to plan my meals. Lite n' Easy has been a…