

  • I did really well first time around also, and got lazy and lost my way. It just means we have to work harder this time and stay positive. Add me as a friend and we can do it together.:smile:
  • Awsome idea!
  • Today was day five for me, I had stopped logging for a few months and now trying to get rid of the holiday weight gain. My day four was the worst. I ate a whole bag of m&m pretzels. It will get better after a week or so. I agree about eating more protien it will help. I find that when I eat alot of veggies in the first…
  • I am 6' tall and when I was 25 I got down to 170 and was in a size 14. I have gain alot since then but my goal is 200 pounds. It still is above my so called healthy wieght but I felt I was to skinny and people also commented that I looked to skinny at 170. You need to do what makes you feel good.
  • That is so awsome of your husband. I need to get an iphone. Scanning bar codes sounds like fun.
  • :smile: This site has definately helped me alot. It does make you aware what you put in your mouth. You are on the right track and the support here is great.
    in Newbie Comment by bosh_chic July 2011
  • I am all about moderation and it seems to be working for me. This is something I can stick with. There are days I fall off the wagon, but it is super easy to get back on.
  • I never counted calories before either and MFP has made it an easy task to do. I know you will reach your goal:smile:
  • Thank you. Having the extra support is awsome!:smile: