Reba723 Member


  • I had the surgery nearly 5 years ago. In January, I weighed 2 pounds more than I did when I had it. I never lost more than 20 pounds before I gained it back. I managed to stay in that 20 pound range (up and down) for all that time, but that's not what I had the surgery for. I referred to myself as the poster child for lap…
  • I'm fine with lettuce in a salad, but I can't eat it on a sandwich. Of course, I can't really eat the bread either, so, there's that. Also, I have a hard time with chicken UNLESS IT'S ON A SALAD. In fact, I can put almost anything on a salad, and it goes down just fine. I have a hard time with beef, but I can eat almost…
  • GO! There are different levels of difficulty in different classes. You'll love it!
  • Thanks for the warning, Folks. I haven't checked into any of the other forums since I've been here, and now I probably won't. You would think that anyone fighting obesity would know that there's enough criticism and judgment out there from the "skinny" people. Why would they be judgmental toward those of us who tried a…
  • What is BDSM?
  • I'm back. I've been going through a major family crisis this past week. Seems like every time I start a diet exercise routine, something happens. However, even though I've missed my exercise, I've stuck to my calorie count and little or no sugar. Therefore, I've still managed to lose about a pound. My head is in the right…
  • Cemeteryrose, I see a lot of myself in your post. One of my food issues is that things that are good for you (chicken, many vegetables, fruits, etc.) get stuck while ice cream, pudding, mashed potatoes, etc. go right down. If I'm really hungry, it's hard to pass up foods that I know I can enjoy. I've also found that all…
  • I'm not looking for holier-than-thou judgment. This forum's title is "Starting Over". If you've been successful from Day One, it probably doesn't relate to you. I could velcro the scale to my feet, and it would have nothing to do with my situation.
  • I'm the poster child for lap band failure. I had mine 4 years ago, and, though I initially lost about 25 pounds, I weigh the same today that I did then. I blame myself and my choices, but I have to give some of the blame to my doctor. He was an abusive jerk, and his "style" didn't work for me at all. I found myself trying…