

  • Well if you're only concerned is weight gain and not health, I would have to say limiting your calories while eating unhealthy foods could serve as a solid regiment to maintain or losing weight. Keep in mind you'll blow your calories quick on junk food, so choose wisely. "Junk food" is full of preservatives, salt,…
  • Sounds like "organic raw hemp powder" by Navitas or the like is your best choice if you fear the fat, otherwise, I would go with the raw seeds as they are more nutritious.
  • It sounds like your working harder in the gym is weight training? If so, that could be a large part of the problem. I did a lot of heavy weight lifting for most of my life and was typically strong in the gym, but didn't translate well into other uses for those muscles or weight-loss Optimally, you want to keep your…
  • Well if it hurts, then just remove the pain. If soft tissue pain is what ails you: Stretching is good, yes (I'm big on yoga), but does not remove muscle tension or trigger points. Do the former with mental training, the latter with *Key word: 'referred pain"
    in Calf pain? Comment by Shappy75 June 2011
  • While there does appear to be research showing the benefits of green tea for weight loss, my personal experience would say otherwise. I've always loved green tea and increased consumption after learning of it's potential health benefits. I even tried Greentea HP for weight loss. I noticed zero impact on my health, weight…
    in green tea? Comment by Shappy75 June 2011