

  • Yes! I just feel rubbish. Its made me loose all of my motivation! :( I keep waking up really early because im sneezing etc. So im extra tired during the day! :(
  • I got some stuff from there, there's different speeds depending on what your doing.. Its not like the best but if helps you maintain a pace!
  • Have you ever tried measuring your body fat properly? I work in a sports centre, we have this little machine that you type in your height and weight (its different from BMI) And it gives you a body fat reading. See if somewhere you teach has one. It might just be that your gaining muscle, or your bodys gone into starvation…
  • Dont give up, youve done so well!! Youve proved you can loose it, just keep doing whatever it was when you lost the first 20! Theres a good chance that if your excercising alot and eating just right that you'll be loosing fat and gaining muscle which could be why youve put weight on.. Good luck! Keep smiling! xx
  • Started dieting 2 weeks ago, first week goodby 5lbs, this week NOTHING! Despite cutting my calories from about 2200 to less that 1500. Ive drank loads of water and exercised for an hour most days. Bring on week 3. Feel free to add me, i could do with some motivation!
  • Hey, fairly new to this, lost a few pounds and have hit a brick wall! I need some motivation! Add me :)