teresavink Member


  • Two of my favorites that I have had great results with if done everyday http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJ8Zdj0OPMI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiQo_3YXxWI
  • When I first signed up to start this program I had up and down days. I am 50 lbs over weight and felt like I was climbing a mountain only to fall and fail. I went through feelings of, I just need to except that I will always be over weight. But the truth is I was so unhappy with how I looked, I hated taking pictures. I…
  • I understand!! I have had the same dialog going in my head for years. I have been married 22 years. My husband is in wonderful shape and has no issues with food. I am 50 lbs over weight, I have started many programs and wanted his support and the moment he starts holding me accountable I feel so controlled and I start…