

  • I had my sleeve done April 15th, I'm always on the boards but don't post first I thought I was in hell...I really struggled with the whole thing, but now I feel like I've hit my stride, I'm hiking 5 miles a day, eating shrimp and tuna and yogurt to my hearts content and feeling are you doing?
  • So funny!! I hit my 3 week stall too!! I figured just keep on truckin and stop focusing on the scale, it is literally impossible for me not to lose weight as I am sticking to my protein, water and walking 4 miles a day...but I know how irritating it is, I thought it was just me!
  • I agree!! Stay night was too short!
  • What a huge success!! could you share what your exercise routine was? and what were/are your main food staples?
  • thats a huge success!! Any hints you can give me on your exercise routine? Also what was you diet like? what were your main staples?
  • Im finding some days the head hunger is a bit stronger than other days...then I have to ask myself, am I bored? am I sad, whats going on..then I take a long shower, because you cant eat in the shower!! Or a walk, Walking is making me really tired right now, so I am going to make it 3 15 minute walks a day to see if that…
  • I love that comment it take the mind a while to catch up, we're so excited to "be thin" that we forget that we are also dealing with an emotional adjustment. I'm trying to learn patience and understand how to set really healthy goals and put the scale away except for once a week..that number just messes with us!!
  • Thank you all!! I appreciate the insight, I am going to start attending group meetings, but since its only been a week I haven't felt like doing all that much. I love the comment about not caring what others think when it comes to my choices about my health. I get a lot didn't need it. I was 237 when I had the…