

  • thanks everybody!!! i added everyone ! <3
  • i set alarms on my phone. time to eat. time to walk. time to drink water. time to get going. if i dont have that reminder i will forget. i wont make the time. connect with friends who want to walk with you. i have a girlfriend with a child near my childs age and we make walking dates. that way if you have a bad week you…
  • oh and i also hate the doubters!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have never seriously gotten motivated enough to lose weight. i tried this site once before and two weeks later foudn out i was pregnant and could not make this site work for my pregnancy. so i tell people i am on a new path and they give me a look like "sure hon, 130 lbs???…
  • I hate that i weigh 280 lbs and my mother says i need to lose 10 lbs but that is enough. WHATEVER mom. i know she is either dilusional or trying to be nice but seriously? come to the damn gym with me!!! and i love when right in front of me she will call a size 12 woman fat on tv, or herself, a size 10 woman, fat, and then…
  • lean chicken breast with low sodium BBQ sauce (crockpot) baked sweet potatoes Steamed broccoli and fat free chedder cheese (cheese is optional) one of our favorite meals. a small adult portion is a little under 500 calories and SOOOO worth it!!! i find it difficult to make meals that work for the whole family too. i have…
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