

  • Just because the meal is breakfast does not mean you have to eat breakfast foods or at a certain time, it just means that when you wake up you need to replenish your body's energy level from the night before, so that it can function at its peak. It also doesn't really matter what meal or when you eat the most, it matters…
  • Although you make a good point about the starvation method it is important to note that if you eat to little calories your body will not have the energy it needs to function normally. When your body doesn't have enough energy it sucks it from your muscles, which does in fact cause you to seemingly loose weight at first,…
  • I missed the first week, because I just joined, but I like the idea of the challenge!!! So here is my info! Screen name: caldolphingirlie First Name: (if you want): Sara Starting weight (current): 177 Goal weight (for 8/13): 155 Week 1 goals: To actually start exercising on a regular basis, its been a while . . . Calories…