itsmyvwbeetle Member


  • Big Star Miki cut is great for a big booty. Also, Rock Revivial easy boot. Both have enough room in the thighs but enough stretch to not be baggy and enough room for your booty too. Both are fairly expensive jeans but a nice pair of jeans makes all the difference in the presentation. I have found cheaper jeans will fit the…
  • I have never been friends with a guy that didnt want to have sex with me. If I was interested then he would become a friend I had sex with, if I wasnt then he was just a friend...
  • Done by the Band Perry (actually the words, not the title)
  • Probably a 7 but wishing higher....
  • Dont forget you are losing fat on your abdomen which will leave loose skin. It takes a bit to firm up the skin. If you dont have stretch marks now then you shouldnt have them when you lose the fat (stretch marks are created during the stretching process, not the shrinking process). A good way to see if you already have…
  • This!! People need to relax. Its a saying. People dont honestly believe that 1 pound of muscle weighs more than 1 pound of fat. They mean that a cup of muscle weighs more than a cup of fat. From a scientific standpoint, the saying makes perfect sense as long as you are comparing like volumes. People like to get bent out of…
  • Congrats, great job!! For me, after 5 c-sections, nothing will save my tummy except a tummy tuck. I dont mind the stretch marks but I do mind the "belly flap". This wasnt from poor nutrition. It showed up about 35 weeks into my 4th pregnancy. I asked my doctor what it was and he said it was tissue that separated from the…
  • Take lots of pictures. Front, side, rear and compare them. I have lost 60 pounds and still wear the same jeans and clothes that I wore then. Started 251, now 190. I nowhere near look the same and yes my clothes are hanging off of me but they still fit and I wear them everyday. Everyone can tell I have lost weight but if I…
  • Alright, posting again. It seems so many people start and then fall off and dont come back. I am in this for the long haul (been almost 8 months since I started). I dont ask that you reply to everything I post but I do like some support and I do give support (I may not post to everything you write but you can bet I am…
  • You look great!
  • I am 5'8". Started at 251, currently 190. Goal is body fat % based and is 160. That will give me about 21% body fat based on lean body mass currently. I have lots of pictures but I am still 30 pounds from goal. Keep up the good work ladies!!
  • Oh I thought you meant the workout you do with your soulmate, haha!!! Since that's not what you meant, I love me some hot yoga.
  • I always pop in a piece of gum and put on my burt's bees lip balm. I am fine for over an hour.
  • Yep, I am wearing the same jeans now (at 192) that I wore when I started (at 251). They were tight then and baggy as all get out now but I can keep em on with no belt. But on the other side of it, I can wear much smaller jeans than those. Guess my jeans fit a wide range of sizes!!
  • Definitely agree with everyone else. Slow down as slow as you need to go. You should be able to hold a conversation while you are jogging. If you cant, you are going too fast. You can pick up speed later when you get further into it but for now just focus on getting through the runs.
    in C25K Comment by itsmyvwbeetle April 2013
  • You look great!!! Those are fantastic results for 30 days. Be proud, very proud of yourself for that!!
  • I remember going to the doctor for my annual physical. She was asking me questions and I mentioned that my cycles were a bit irregular. She went on with her exam. After everything was done she said, "Your blood pressure is borderline and we are going to treat that with weight loss. Your blood glucose level is slightly…
  • I am 37, have 7 kids (17, 14, 11, 9, 9, 7, and 6). I work full time doing research. I am constantly on the go but strive to stay active. Anyone can add me if you want.
  • My heart rate monitor (Polar FT7) measures my calorie burns at less than what myfitnesspal does. When running I tend to see what MFP gives me, my Nike + app, and then my HRM. My HRM is always less than MFP (even if only a few calories) and pretty close to Nike +. You are supposed to take BMR out of your results though. So,…
  • Dont know about your specific program. I ate breakfast before going to bed, snack upon waking, dinner, snack around 1am and lunch around 4.
  • Awesome job!!! That is fantastic! I have 2, 5ks coming up, one at the end of April and the next at the beginning of May (2 weekends in a row). My kids are all doing it with me and I am super excited.
  • I recommend looking into that group. Good luck with your surgery! I havent had it done but I had been approved for RNY. Did all the classes and counseling. Got the date set an everything. Highest weight was 272. Did the pre-surgery diet and lost 20 pounds. I told myself if I could do that there is no reason I couldnt keep…
  • I do! I have some friends across the pond and they eat vastly different than I do.
  • Your body is a well-oiled machine. It adapts and adjusts quite easily and readily. So yes, I believe calorie confusion is a good tool. I dont think it is necessary to adjust day to day because your body doesnt make trends daily but every few weeks its good to mix it up a bit for a few days.
  • Try academy, eastbay clearance and Ebay is always a good resource too. I just bought my husband a new pair of Noose Asics for $70 that are still $150 in stores.
  • Dont make generalities, almost every one you make can and should be proven false. People's bone densities do differ, people's frame size do differ. I am 5'8", I have an 8" wrist. Yes it may have some fat in there but I also have bigger hands than almost any man I know (I wear an XL men's glove). I wear a size 11 or 12 in…
  • I think more calories may be the answer. Also, check sodium intake and carb intake. Some people (myself included) are very touchy with carbs. I can be well below my calorie and carb limits but have carbs at every meal and stall out until I readjust.
  • It includes bread (the 320 calories), but only white and wheat. The other breads have different calorie totals and need to be calculated appropriately.
  • A genuine smile. If I catch a glimpse of a great smile then I look to the eyes to see if it the smile is real or not. After that then his interactions with others, how is he treating everyone, how is he handling himself. I like a man with fire in his life and a smile on his face!