I love the Laughing Cow cheese wedges, only 35 cal. per wedge! add it to 1 serving of pretzels and you have a very satisfying snack for less than 200 cals!
Your friends must not be that good of friends if they cant understand why you want to be conscious of what your eating. My brother grew up supper skinny always ate what he wanted, well he isn't so skinny now. People who pay attention to they body now and make good choices are far more likely to stay fit for their whole…
Skip the Splenda there have been some new reports that say Splenda in certain amounts can actually inhibit weight loss! Crazy huh?If you have to have something try honey, Its healthier and sweet so you wont need alot.
Toy story is big right now, try being a cowboy. Jeans, bandanna, and boots with a cheap hat. Should be good to go.
Iv been on this site since March, and friends make a BIG difference. Add me!
Keep with it, as your body gets more used to it, it will shed those unwanted pounds. I have used this site since March. I had my baby in Feb, she is 6 mo old now. I am still loosing a steady 1-2 lbs a week. I hope to reach my goal by Oct. I only have 10 lbs to go. I have lost 45 lbs already, this site really works! FYI i…
I do the Jenny McCarthy "Shape Up" on the Wii. It watches you do the work out, so you cant cheat! and it adjusts your work out to fit your level. Really cool.
How much are you looking to loose?
Whats the title/author? sounds great!
If you type in Jillian Michaels it is already in the system under aerobics, just search Jillian, it will show it.
When you gat back you should go to the recipe creator and put it together. It will then tell you how many calories you ate, and you can save it for the next time.
Hey i have a 5 mo old baby and i gained 66 lbs! I have managed to loose it all plus some using this site eating right and exercising. If you are nursing talk to your DR before you change your eating habbits as it can affect your milk supply. I have quit a few newer mommy friends add me to your list ! Im sure they will add…
Good luck with Nutrisystem. But be sure to use this site as well, a great way to exercise and teach your kids to be healthy too is to go for walks! Go to the park. My kids love to get out and be active, and its a great way to spend time together.
I love good old 1-minute oatmeal made with water and a splash of vanilla, non-fat milk and a tsp. of sugar/ splenda (optional). And anything else you would like to add. Calories are about the same, plus i heard oatmeal is a great metabolism booster. It definitely helps me feel fuller longer.
I eat 1200 and usually burn around 600 a day, my milk is great and my baby satisfied and fat !
Add me to you friend list and well set a day for weigh ins and chats! So HAPPY to hear from you all!
Id say switch it up, one so you dont get bored and two to keep your body guessing!
I had a baby about 5 months ago and cried the first time i tried on jeans. I feel your pain in not finding anything that fits! I did find though that GAP long and lean jeans were heaven sent. A little on the pricy side but well worth the money in my opinion, i loved them. In fact i still buy them as i continue to drop the…
You'll definitely notice a firmer and more lifted look if your working you chest. Congrats of the self improvements, it totally makes it all worth while doesn't it?
I love the song American Girls by Green Day. Supper awesome especially if you jog or run like i do.
I agree, the bloating and extra water can definitely account for the gain. Really rehydrate and skip the weigh-in this week, and next weeks weigh-in should be great!
I do one at my gym. 3 days a week for and hour each. I love it! totally worth every penny!
It all depends on your age and hight. Im 26 5'4 female, my healthy % should be between 20-25% body fat. Hope that helps
Wow like both of you i now have 2 kids ages almost 4 and 3 mo. I used to weigh 115 lbs pre- first baby. I know weigh 163 post 2nd baby. My goal is to get at least down to 130. I would be happy there. I know how hard it is to lose after kids (especially the motivation part!) But maybe we can all motivate each other! We can…
Squats and Sumo squats will do the trick they work the entire thigh plus the butt. Sumo squats are a basic squat with a wider leg stance and then point your toes out.
I actually like to use light sour cream. It adds a little something extra to the taste also, and alot less calories. It all depends on what you making though.
Try the Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown DVD. I do it every morning, and its a great workout for muscle toning,and you'll feel great all day. I would start with your non cardio days and them move up to add it to the cardio.
I have the Jenny McCarthy Shape Up for the WII and love it. It offers alot of options and adjusts its self to your level.
Just remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so it may take a little while. The muscle is building under the fat layer and than it will burn off the fat. So don't get to discouraged if you cant tell right away, especially if you see the results on your body.
Were right there with you, usually every Sunday morning we get up and have a cup of coffee and watch the race while the kids are still sleeping. Its the best time of the week.