katmits Member


  • Actually, for a while I did log on MFP whilst following the SW so I can tell you that when you follow it as described it certainly is not 'way too low calorie'. I can't comment on the pay structure as I've never worked for them but presumably it must pay enough for the consultants who are still running groups? I love MFP…
  • You can follow the programme for the rest of your life very easily, no food groups are eliminated, no special foods are required, you eat normal everday foods. The difference is that by following the programme you learn how to prepare foods more healthily - for example, grilling instead of frying, removing visible fat from…
  • The minimis forum has a large section on slimming world which can be very helpful. It's a dot com. I think it's one of the best 'diets' possible, with the emphasis on eating lots of fruit and vegetable, some complex carbs and lean meat/fish, very little fat or sugar. In no way could you describe it as being a fad diet or…
  • interesting - is it just what's left after the coconut oil has been extracted?
  • My goodness, that's an epic cycle ride, must have been totally beautiful though
  • I think it's just offensive for someone you don't know to make any comment on your appearance. Even if they think they're being complimentary I don't think it's appropriate and Iwould have felt very embarrased too in that situation
  • Me too! And I'm new to MFP so looking for friends...