

  • Thanks pdxwarrior! Thanks for the messages and link to the thread!
  • I ride and love it! Definitely an exercise along with all the grooming and mucking that goes along with riding. Personally it is my favorite way to exercise since it doesn't feel like work (it's fun), everyday is different. I am trying to build up more core to improve my riding. Wish I had the time to ride more.
    in Riding Horses Comment by LBeez May 2011
  • Thanks for the warm welcome all!!! Can't wait to really get started. I was surprised but the Sculpt 1-2. It feel it. I have a very weak upper body so I am going to have go slow in building it up. I am thinking of getting dumbbells rather than the resistance band it came with. Anyone know what a good starting weight would…
    in Hello all! Comment by LBeez May 2011
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