

  • :love: HEY, i know how you feel but maybe you need to change your routine up our bodies over time tend to get used whatever workout we do. i am always changing my workouts so that i dont gain weight or platue if you want to hear my weightloss success email me at i would be happy to give advice or…
  • oh yea if you could give me more info on INSANITY like how much weight you lost or inches and hoew you liked trhe program that would be great please do email me
  • hey, i have done them all p90x charlean and ight now i am on insanity actually i am in my 7 week of it and with this progam i lost alot of inches i wnet down 2 sizes in my waist. charlean i only did for 2 months instead of the full 90 but i did lose 7 pounds and i combined that with weight watchers :wink: As far as it…
  • Hello my name is yamilette and i am new here i was tols about this site froma friend and i so loving plugging in my daily food intake. I am currently doing p90x and i needed some help keeping track of my food i would right it down sometimes but would really now the calories so this site really is a good tool for me to keep…
    in hello Comment by saphirra July 2008