

  • Ive always been told that 25-30 grams of fiber is recommended. That's what my doctor has told me anyway. Especially for anyone that suffers from stomach/bowel problems (e.g.., IBS) Nothing bad will happen to you, you just might be a little more "regular" ;) Hope that helps!
    in over fiber? Comment by 2bmrsk July 2008
  • I know exactly what you mean by not feeling hungry and still being under your set caloric intake. Im set at 1200 a day and thats what happens to me almost every day! Especially when you work out and it allows for more calories, Im like, geez, I can't just keep eating and not because Im trying not to, its just that Im not…
  • I HATE those days! I feel you're pain, ha ha. Stay strong and drink A LOT of water! :) :smile:
  • Mine is in 67 days!!! :)
  • Hi! I just joined this morning and thought I'd jump on this thread because Im loosing weight for my wedding too! So, hello everyone :)
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