MandyGlinda Member


  • But I think you've done well - 8.2 lbs in a month is about 2 a week which is surely what you want? I think you should be congratulating yourself !!!! Looking at your ticker - you've done brilliantly !
  • You have my sympathy... and if you come up with something that works then let me know... Although I managed last week to limit myself to one day. I found that entering and being utterly honest about what I've had has quite horrified me as does the stark warning about what will happen if I carry on! It's the weekends that I…
  • Welcome... am sure you'll find the site great. I know that I do. Hard to resist all that yummy indonesian food though... I'm sighing at the memory of it ! Good luck !
  • Good luck - feel free to add me as a friend if you're wanting some. The site is great !
  • It is the wizard of oz and i'm playing glinda and i have to fly, so all the more incentive to help me literally get off the ground! thanks for the welcome!
    in Hello ! Comment by MandyGlinda May 2011
  • I am the same... so good during the week and then BAM !