

  • Hi! I am also 30, but have no children. I dont know if it is in the cards for me or not! I just joined and got down doing my 30 minutes of exercise for the day! I am beat! Its gonna take some time but I can do this! :happy: I am 265 and my goal is 200! I am 5 foot 9 and large boned! Its a horrible family gene I got!
  • Wow I am 5'9 and I am very tall and just "big". I guess you can say I got the bad end of the gene poll. My dad is Diabetic and has had a heart attack, my mom is just recently lost weight and she is doing ok. I just have to get on track . I got a a very long way to go! I know that I can do it, I have done it before! So I am…
    in Newbie. :] Comment by mlr1110 May 2011
  • Hey friends! i just joined and I need to get the motivation as well! Help me out! I will return the favor!
    in Newbie. :] Comment by mlr1110 May 2011