Just quit an expensive weight loss plan

pixieval Posts: 64 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
I just left another weight loss plan that I've been paying a lot of $$ for after a friend in a fitness class told me about MFP. I checked out the website last night to see how easy it was to navigate, and I was super impressed!
I lost 11 pounds on the other plan in 2 months, and that is awesome, but I feel like MFP looks easier to use, and is FREE!
I started at 199, am at 188, and the goal is 130!
My best friend is a personal trainer, and I am in her kickboxing class, which we just finished up the first half(8 weeks down, 8 to go) of!

I'm 30, live in North Dakota, have a beautiful 3 y/o daughter. My husband's job currently has us living up here, but I'm originally from Oregon, and him from South Carolina.
I have pretty sedentary hobbies, like painting, crocheting and sewing, but I'm starting to try to incorporate more active things in my lifestyle.

We got a season pass for the zoo yesterday, and walked for 2 hours!


  • mlr1110
    mlr1110 Posts: 3
    Hi! I am also 30, but have no children. I dont know if it is in the cards for me or not! I just joined and got down doing my 30 minutes of exercise for the day! I am beat! Its gonna take some time but I can do this! :happy: I am 265 and my goal is 200! I am 5 foot 9 and large boned! Its a horrible family gene I got!
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    Expensive weight loss plans are a rip off. You made the right choice. This site gives you everything you need to be successful, and it's free. Welcome! :)
  • stariera
    stariera Posts: 224
    Hi there... you'll find the support and motivation here are great please feel free to add me. I'm the happy mom of three looking to be healthier for them. Good Luck on your journey
  • rfcollins33
    rfcollins33 Posts: 630
    hey! You CAN do this. I know you can and I believe in you!!
  • msbedou
    msbedou Posts: 2
    Congrats on saving money and making consistent steps in meeting your weight loss goals... I am new myself but I love Fitness Pal, its almost addictive...:laugh:

  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Welcome aboard, you will find alot of supportive people here. This site is absolutely fantastic and it is FREE (very important in this day and age). I will add you for extra support/encouragement.
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    Yay Oregon!! :-)
  • brandi2258
    brandi2258 Posts: 46 Member
    Hey! Welcome!! I'm 27 and no children yet, we are trying...That's one of the reasons I'm here! I am at 311 now, and trying to get to 200ish. Doctors sliding scale says at 6'3 I should weigh 180, we'll see about that! Glad that you are here, and good luck with everything! BTW, I have a kickboxing dvd that I LOVE!!! Feel free to add me!
  • Hello Ladies!

    I'm a bit older than both of you. I will be 63 in Sept.. My problem wasn't about taking time to exercise, it was eating so much junk food like ice cream and chocolate. I considered myself a chocoholic until just recently. I had an argument with my mother......you do not argue or debate with my mom; who's very, very controlling. You may think I'm wacko, but ever since I spoke up, I haven't pigged out on chocolate or even craved it. I have never been able to do that, ever!! So, I guess It really helped to speak up and let my mom know how I felt and boy, did it ever feel good!! So, I guess what I'm trying to say is, it's not about willpower or not having the time to exercise, it's all about not expressing the hurt, anger dissapointment you feel for a friend or family member. Once you get that issue out in the open, it's really not that hard to lose weight. So far I've lost 3 pounds in one week.
  • pixieval
    pixieval Posts: 64 Member
    HI everyone! I've been looking through some of the forums, its great to see how supportive everyone is!
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