

  • I regularly attend a local zumba class- it is 40-45 minutes long and based on my HRM, burns between 400-500 in that time.
    in Zumba Comment by jat9277 September 2012
  • I have been through a similar experience and lost two pregnancies last year at weeks 7 and 6 respectively. I first took some time to allow myself to grieve. I then decided to take the last year to really focus on mental healing and then recovering physically by being active and eating in a healthy, balanced manner. I can…
  • A few more details: I always eat breakfast, lunch, dinner and 1-2 small snacks of generally vegetables, nuts, fruit or yogurt. All the dairy I consume is low-fat or fat-free, with the exception of an occasional Tbsp of half and half in my coffee (which I've drastically reduced). I definitely drink at least 8-10 glasses of…
  • Wow! Thanks so much for the quick replies! I really appreciate the input. I suspected it was after exercise but was afraid to eat too much. I'm encouraged by your replies.