
I Zumba twice a week for an hour each class. I've been counting it as high impact aerobics (I've never had such a great workout and had so much fun!). Any idea how Zumba compares to aerobics for this program? My instructor says we are burning between 400 and 600 calories per session.:smile:


  • Island_Style20
    Island_Style20 Posts: 98 Member
    I'm gonna keep checking back on this topic. Not many people do zumba on here, I don't think. At least I never got any responses the last time I posted about it. I have recently started doing it myself, and count it as high impact aerobics. Great workout! I got the DVD's so I wouldn't have to embarrass myself out in public. :)
  • Clarissia_Nicole
    Clarissia_Nicole Posts: 79 Member
    I love Zumba :) I'm definitely not a pro but I went to a few intermediate classes last year and really liked it. A beginner class just started on Sundays and I've been going. Unfortunately, I start a new job tommorow and won't be able to go very often anymore :( Extremley bummed about that. However, the instructor does a reggaeton class on Wednesdays that I'm wanting to try out :)
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 423 Member
    When I was doing it I did the online calculator thing and it told me I was burning between 400-500 calories an hour. I did the dvds and the longest one I did was 50 minutes so I figured that was pretty accurate. I sold my dvd set a few months ago, I really want to get the new Exhilarate set, so expensive though :-(
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I went to a couple of classes and wore a HRM. I gave it my all, the classes were 50 minutes long. I burned about 350 calories. Not too bad, but comparitively, I burn about 100-110 cals when I run a mile (11 minutes) and a 45 minute spin class has me burning about 450-500.

    I think the Zumba calorie numbers are a little inflated......I've heard claims of 800 calories per class - from relatively small people. But the program needs customers, so having high numbers is a way of doing that.

    Depending on your level of fitness, weight, and intensity of the class, 400 is probably closer to accurate than 600.

    Edit to say that when I went to Zumba, I weighed 205lbs. I currently weigh 188, so my burns have decreased a little, but not too much.
  • I love zumba! Best cardio workout in my opinion, it's so fun!

    I'm sure I look like a fool, but no one seems to care. Still, I might invest in the DVDs so that I can learn how to do some of the more complicated footwork/arm movements. :D
  • I do zumba 2x a week and now a friend gave me the basic and 20min express Join the party and i enjoy it and sweat so bad so I know it is burning alot of calories. I think when i log it may be over estimating the calories burned. But I would say someone who weighs about 200 lbs (like me) will burn about 500 per hour.
  • I regularly attend a local zumba class- it is 40-45 minutes long and based on my HRM, burns between 400-500 in that time.
  • kzooprincess
    kzooprincess Posts: 232 Member
    I also have worn my HRM and for my 60 minute class I burn between 500-550.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    i burn an average of 550-600 calories per class. How much you burn depends on how high impact it is and how hard you work. i use my hrm. All instructors have a different style. mine is very energetic and really high impact.

    I think someone mentioned that its impossible to burn loads, not true.
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    I agree that it does depend on your fitness level, weight, and intensity of class. I have about 35 lbs to lose, and went to a class this morning which is really intense. I wear a HRM with a chest strap and for that 65 minutes I burned 613 calories. I take this particular class often and the calorie burn is always about the same.
  • I use the Zumba dvd set which ranges from 40-60 minutes. When I wear my hrm it tells me that I burn almost 700 calories. I think you have to factor in weight, height, and definitely intensity level. Overall, I love it!! Hope that helps. :smile:
  • I just purchad the Zumba DVD set off of QVC - I'm so excited and I can't wait. I usually go to Zumba class at the Gym on Base where I work, the instructor is very good. I know I must look like a complete fool doing the moves, but I love it. Its a good workout and you will definitely sweat. I have a hrm but I've never used it when I went to Zumba, so I will have to use it. I also just purchased shawn T's abs hip hop which is also very good.
  • PhoenixRising7
    PhoenixRising7 Posts: 194 Member
    I wore my HRM to my last 2 Zumba classes. In just under an hour I burned 754 calories, so it's definitely possible to burn a good number of calories. It will vary for everyone depending on how hard you push yourself, level of fitness, the instructor, etc.

    I personally think it's a great work out. It's not the only thing I do, but I am definitely seeing results from doing it. I go to class once a week and play the Xbox game 2-3 times a week as well. I burn more calories in the live class though.
  • I was told to choose dance, aerobic... It was better to be on the lower side.
  • ElleFerguson
    ElleFerguson Posts: 51 Member
    I do Zumba 1 to 3 times a week and the amount of calories I burn vary. I've burned between 500-800 calories. If we go over an hour I can just peak above 1000. I wear a heart rate monitor chest strap that goes along with a watch. I programmed by stats into the watch and took it from there.
  • JamieCRodriguez
    JamieCRodriguez Posts: 88 Member
    I Zumba twice a week for an hour each class. I've been counting it as high impact aerobics (I've never had such a great workout and had so much fun!). Any idea how Zumba compares to aerobics for this program? My instructor says we are burning between 400 and 600 calories per session.:smile:

    you should try this website to calculate your Zumba calories.

  • I'm sure it really all depends on how 'bounce aroundy' you are.
    I can't be that vigorous yet in Zumba, due to mostly tripping over my own feet, but maybe one day I'll be able to do the wiggling and the bouncing and all that. :) I DO get a workout, I"m sweating buckets, but i'm often just walking out the routines.
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    I LOVE Zumba! I have been taking classes 2-3 times a week for the past 2 months. I used to use the High Impact Aerobics on my cardio log. Now that i have a HRM I log it as High Impact Zumba and in my ! hour class i burn anywhere from 440-550 depending on my intensity and who is teaching and the moves we are doing.

    I have noticed as i am getting fitter and getting better at the routines there are times i burn on the lower end of those figures. I also put the songs from class on my Computer and Ipod and do what i can remember at home when i cant get to a class and that is usually in the 350-400 range and i am much slower on my own.

    If i could just do Zumba and nothing else i would be happy. It is so much fun!
  • In my Zumba class myself and 2 others have HRM and we burn 600-800 cal depending on size. I am 188 and burn 800. My class is very high impact and we LOTS of jumping and moving. Doing Zumba 3 days a week and the ellipitcal the other 3 days. I have lost 60lbs in 5 months.
  • The classes that I attend it all depends on the instructor and what "type" of Zumba class it is. I can burn anywhere from 400 - 700 calories for a 1 hour class. I do use an HRM so I have a somewhat accurate reading of the calories.