

  • Wow! I'm glad I live in the UK!
  • We've become lazy (cars, office working) and fat (supersizing our meals). Generations are gonna get bigger and bigger if they don't understand real portion sizes and that you actually need to move your body to keep it healthy and working right! Your body needs anything up to 600 calories a day just to keep your organs…
  • I'm looking for more support and to be a supporter! We're in this together! xx
  • Hi! I turn 30 in a few weeks! I don't have much weight to lose but I'm using this a way of controlling my diet, being more conscious of what I'm stuffing in my face and monitoring my exercise levels. I hope we can help motivate each other to achieve our goals. Erin
    in 30 Female! Comment by edie14 July 2012
  • Hi I too have been wondering about this and found quite a good site - you out in your details and it calculates your calories burned. I feel its a much more realistics measurement for things like coaching. E http://www.fitday.com/webfit/exerciseinfopage.html