Wantingtolose1 Member


  • I bought mine in June/July and just now on the app it is showing low battery. Ive been actually thinking when is the battery going to go as it seems to be lasting a long time and now the app is showing low so will have to get it changed soon I guess. It sounds like it might be an issue either with your fitbit devise or the…
  • I did it for a while but then school holidays happened and I didn't want to not be eating in front of my kids and then for some reason never got back on it. I would normally have coffee for breakfast an egg or some fruit for lunch (or nothing) and save most my calories for dinner. Also lots of water/ tea. I found the…
  • I have a few meals that I can go to for breakfast and lunch that I know their calorie counts so pick on those for those 2 meals. Then for dinner I have whatever but keep it to one plate. I have an evening treat most nights but keep it to a half cup serving or a single serve. Also I weigh myself everyday and if my weight is…
  • I tend to agree with the person above that sedentary means 3500-3700 calories a day. The other day I forgot my fit bit at home for part of the day and my steps for the day were about 3000. I went into myfitnesspal and received a negative adjustment to my calories which I assume is because the fitbit is telling myfitnesspal…
  • I have followed primal on and off for a while and now trying to do the 80/20 approach with it as I think that's more realistic for me. Also the inclusion of dairy makes it easier then following a full on paleo diet. I have cut out gluten in the past which made me feel 100 times better so I know its grains that are my…
  • same problem here. It wont update my steps in myfitnesspal and therefore update the calorie adjustment.
  • I order vegetarian meals quite regularly when we go out and no one has ever asked me if im vegetarian maybe because they know me and know that I do also eat meat. You could say that you are just trying to eat a plant based diet 80% of the time to try and be healthier. That way people wont ask you things like why do you…
  • I agree with this. Same thing happened to me every time I try it I gain weight. I also obsess whether im really hungry or not so it becomes obsessive. Im sure it can work for people though as that's probably how naturally thin people eat I just like more structure personally. Lots of the plans say not to weigh but I would…
  • Sorry typo up there meant to say that I lose weight at 100 grams or less but the amount varies for each person. Saying this though normally I would have 2 very low carb meals and then might have a meal with some carbs in it like pasta, rice (before paleo when I was just trying low carb maintenance plan) or a dessert (3-5…
  • I've been told under 100 is considered low as well and u normally lose at this amount it just depends on the person. As the person above said if you want a keto diet u need to be under 20
  • Thanks for your response I thought it probably was but just wanted to make sure
  • Thanks for the recommendations and your reply. I'll give it a read just to see another persons perspective and then take it from there. For now I'm just sticking to the basic paleo rules of no grains, no sugar, no dairy. As I read more I may or may not tweek this depending on how I feel. Today I convinced my husband to go…
  • Thanks so much. Yes the nutritionist I see calls herself a natural nutritionist and while she says she doesn't consider herself paleo she eats naturally gluten free grains on occasion and legumes because she says she tolerates them okay.She does however think the paleo diet is a great starting place though and then you can…
  • Not sure. I wasn't told what the right answer was but just that those foods were needed and shouldn't be eliminated. After I read that I didn't want to ask what was considered a bad source then as not much worse foods left
  • Thanks for that detailed explanation I sort of found the information after I asked but your answer just confirmed what I was thinking so thanks. My nutritionist wanted me to adapt to a more fat based nutrient dense diet rather then grain based so thought paleo/primal would be a great way to do this as after researching it…
  • We have a big well know chef here in Australia that's advocating the paleo diet and he is getting a lot of backlash for it here. It crazy. Im also currently studying nutrition and one of the questions we had was what is bad carbohydrate source? my answer soft drink, cakes, biscuits etc I was told that was incorrect because…
  • googled it and went on their site it looks like you are replacing to meal with chocolate flavoured shakes that you buy from them and eat a protein based dinner with some chocolate for dessert and they have some snack options as well like fruit. It just looks pretty much like any other shake based diet where all they doing…
  • There's a 5:2 group on here which I think you should join. The guys there are really helpful and motivational. I have been doing 5:2 for about a month now and have lost 4 kilos ( I only had 8 total to lose). I love it because I only feel like I'm dieting 2 days a week and the rest I pretty much eat what I want but do keep…
  • I became a weight watchers life time member on the old program going to meetings ( no online existed then). I then had a child put weight on and online came out and this new system. For some reason it does not work for me. I find it easy enough but I never lose weight every time I try this new system.i think it's the…
  • I have the zip and love it. I was hesitant in getting the wrist ones as read they sometimes monitor when you move your arms. I also like the fact that you can see the data on the screen of the fitbit and don't have to go to the app to see where it is up to. I really only use it for tracking steps and calories so don't need…
  • thanks. it seems to be working again so ill see how it goes and if it stops working again try the reset.
  • I don't do any excercise apart from walking. So I looked at my fitbit average burn over last 3 days and took 15% cut from that. I would assume this would be more accurate then scooby calculator as it's taking your actual activity into consideration and not just an estimate based on average burn.
  • I don't generally do cheat days or meals just fit any treats into my calorie allowance. On Saturday night though we were going to a friends place and it would have been hard to track as we were having mostly snack food that we were just snacking on for dinner (cheese platters, antipasto platters, fruit platters that sort…
  • I have the fitbit zip that clips on your pants and find it very accurate as sometimes I'll watch the steps go up as I walk to test it. The reason I bought this one over the wrist ones is because of what was mentioned earlier as I has heard it counts steps when your wrist moves. Putting it in a pocket or something like that…
  • I have tried this diet numerous times because it makes sense at frankly at those times I was over counting calories. I was in a normal bmi but on the higher end and wanted to lose 5-10 kilos. With this diet I never lost weight. I ate mostly healthy homemade meals for my meals and served them on one plate (normal size not…
  • If you feel you need it maybe just eat at maintenance for a day. That was you have extra calories but are not going to gain any weight from eating more
  • I would take an estimate of what you burn with your fitbit and use that as your tdee. Fitbit normally works this out if you look at your estimated predicted burn for the day as that's the average of your previous days
  • Are you looking to maintain or lose weight? If lose then set it at 1200 and let fitbit do the rest if maintaining set it at your maintenance calories and let fitbit do the rest.