dsj2bw Member


  • karen i had this problem ish when i married **** head his mum didnt bother made no effort at all and when it comes too the kids thats abbother story!! her daughters kids she would bend over backwards for mine?? once every 2 weeks is enough of her i dont have boys as u know but wether i did or not theres no way id ever ever…
  • hiya ive battled with food for the last 10 years if im not mistaken its called ednos eating disorder not otherwise specified i can binge and not stop and then will starve myself. its hard breaking the cycle when im eating the food i dont care then i regret it later :(
  • yes im on ali i have been on them now for a week paid 50 pound for 1 month if your havin cereal or fruit then you dont take them if your havin food with fat then you take 1 within an hour of food the capsule takes 25%of the fat in your food that is when your bathroom becomes your best friend!! i have had side affects such…
  • me too chick rice crispies chocolate bar are fab!! they really cure ur sweet tooth i lost 1 stone 8lbs and its back!! no more!