

  • I find motivational tips and pictures on Pinterest to keep me moving!!! I also have recently vowed to myself not to weigh in for a month and just focus on the process. I have put too much emphasis in the past on the number and not the process and when the numbers don't reflect what I think they should I become depressed…
  • I too have been struggling with the numbers game... GGGRRR!!! So I decided to take the focus off the number and start trusting/working the process. I have placed a vow to myself not to weigh in for a month and continue working my program. I am going to place more value on how I feel and look vs a number. I think this is a…
  • I agree that both are important! I am currently working on decreasing my sugar intake and increasing my fiber while maintaining my protein intake. It's all about balance and figuring out what works best for you. I think it's best to listen to your body, it has a way of telling you what you need and don't need.
  • Sounds like you're in a food rut, we've all been there! Try taking some of your unhealthy favorites and seeing what you can do to make them into a healthier choice. It's challenging and fun to see what you can re-create. I love Mexican food so I took my favorite (fajita's) and changed some things up (Ex: plain greek yogurt…