

  • I had an instructor who was on a weight loss journey like me and she was teaching the step class. She couldnt keep up to the music and do fun choreography because she was struggling. The worst part was she was yelling at us to try and get to work and hurry up or we will have to do this and that to work more. I was so…
  • sugar abstinent for 7 months, I struggle with food too but I am trying to accept myself for who I am and live the 12 steps
  • that sounds great!
  • Here is my sugar free, sweet crutch peel and chop an over ripened banana and freeze it in a sandwich bag Get a pint glass, put 1/4 cup of all bran buds at the bottom put the banana in the blender with about a cup of milk, a dash of cinnamon and a wee bit of vanilla extract make it think pour in the pint glass and mix It…
  • there are OA meetings all over the states. If you follow the program even disgruntled in the beginning, it can work..God bless you
  • I joined Overeaters anonymous. I am addicted to sugar also,. It is a miracle, but I have been sugar free for 7 months now.
  • I feel so blessed to find this conversation thread. I have been trying to lose weight for a year and found out 6 mo ago that I was underactive. I havent lost any weight yet but I gym for 2 hrs 5 days a week and in 3 weeks I lost an inch and 4% body fat. Me too I try and lay off the carbs and no sugar but it definitely…
  • Hey, I am not fit enough to do this but I admire your ambition. I may be ready to train for one next summer. In Any case, all the best to you and I hope you persevere and get it!:happy:
  • Hi Ladies and the odd guy I see around here. I am new too. I love this website and I think it would be beneficial to meet some people here. I need support, recipes that are filling and maybe sharing gymin routine would be cool. I have a long way to go but I just wanna persevere and get it done this time
  • I found that Sugar was the horrible contributor. I gave up sugar and although I havent lost much on the scale, my pants are all looser.