prawnsmummy Member


  • Well, I have booked myself onto a 6 week empower programme with my gym :-) I get one meeting per week with a personal trainer. They'll weigh and measure me, give advice on nutrition and exercise etc. Will ignore all the intimidating muscly guys!
  • Thank you all for your advice. No unfortunately I go to the gym by myself, even after trying to encourage some friends to join! I think I will take the majorities advice and book a session with a personal trainer. :-)
  • Thank you all! I think I've been fairly honest with my logging too, and will of course log anything else I may eat in the meantime! Can I ask, are any of you fairly healthy all day then use any remining calories for 'naughty' foods? I guess what I'm trying to say is does it matter what you eat, as long as the calories are…
  • I know the science behind weight loss is to burn more than you consume but I just HATE working out calories. Tomorrow I will set myself a goal to log everything I consume and of course, log my exercise! :-)
  • Thank you all! I am trying to lose a couple of lbs as well as quitting smoking so I do realise that this will be difficult!
  • Thank you! I also forgot to mention that I managed to do a 30 min walk during my lunch hour! Congratulations on quitting smoking :) I'm only on my third day but feeling more positive than how I felt yesterday!