cbirdso Member


  • I agree with this^^. I lost my weight continuously, but slowly. I never had a break or a plateau. The loss wasn't linear, of course, it went it fits and starts, but when I reached my goal weight I continued to lose more until I looked in the mirror and said, yes, that looks good. I have maintained at that weight for one…
  • In my opinion, something else is going on that is causing you pain. I am CERTAINLY not an expert, but I know a lot of runners. Some very heavy people who run without injury or problem, and some 'normal' weight people I know can't run - bad knees, bad back, other ailments, etc. and keep fit doing other activities like jump…
  • Actually my maintenance calories are the calories I ate to get to the weight I am now. Sad, I know.
  • I was gifted some Fairytale brownie. They are kind of tasty, but each (small) individually wrapped brownie is 2 servings! WTF?? I have cut each brownie in fours and have just one of those pieces on the days I eat some.
  • I feel bad for the workers, too but the business model of producing 'food' items (albeit tasting good to SOME people - but NOT me) that are unhealthy to the point of CAUSING health problems has been shown to be a FAILED business practice by consumers. Consumers are not going to WalMart to buy knock-off snack cakes at a…
  • I'm the same as you...still wearing the baggy underwear for the most part...must go shopping! I did get some really cute bras already.
  • Way to go and congrats!
  • Yes, because the medical profession thinks the only solution to anemia is extra iron. I had so much iron in my system that it: 1) made me retain water 2) caused severe muscle weakness 3) caused heart palpitations 4) caused joint pain 5) and increased hunger. It took many, MANY years before a doctor wondered if the 17 times…
  • About twice a week. I am never discouraged when I weigh myself, it just keeps me motivated and gives me good feedback about how I am doing. I am in maintenance now and I remember years ago when I gained weight, it was gradual over more than a year. I never want my weight to sneak up on me again, so if I see the number on…
  • Girl, I feel you and you are not alone. :heart: Hunger was always my stumbling block, too. And that crap about it not being TRUE hunger...you are just thirsty or bored, etc. was so untrue for me. I was REALLY hungry. After searching and experimenting, I solved my hunger problems by doing the following: 1) I eat six times a…
  • I have the following posted where I can read it often: Exercise does not give you permission to eat whatever you want, and slashing calories doesn’t mean you don’t have to work out. Despite the calories in, calories out relationship essential to weight loss, they are not opposites; they, in fact, work together. Calories…
  • I am still trying to lose about 4 pounds and this is my guide. On the days I eat more (i.e. more exercise) I increase two or more meals. On my sedentary days, I reduce my lunch and dinner by a hundred or so. Sometimes, I skip snacks, but I try not to because it makes me hungry later and it is difficult to keep within my…
  • I think I fall in that category. Clothes now fit a little better, but I still have the loose waist, tight butt/bust in most things. The good news is that I had some of my larger clothes altered to fit me and those fit just right! Nothing like custom clothing!! The better news is that when clothes don't fit well, I don't…
  • I agree with what others have said, but I noticed no-one commented on your statement that you didn't think you were getting enough to eat. If you think that because you feel hungry, my suggestion is to examine WHAT you are eating. I know with me, certain foods make me hungry and other food satisfies and makes me feel…
  • Yes, because it motivates me to exercise and it has helped me to lose weight (fairly painlessly!). I know I could never have been successful if I didn't have this relationship branded into my brain: move more and you can eat more.
  • Love your attitude! What an inspiration!
  • No. (But I love MFP - no complaints, here.)
  • ^^^ This. I don't ever actively plan to go over calories, although of course I do sometimes - mostly by accident - then I just forget it and move forward. I do plan in advance for special occasions like birthdays and special dinners out and eating where I can't even guess or control the food like vacations. I do this by…
  • For me there is no 'con'. It is ALL 'pro'- feel healthier, stronger, not hungry. It's cheaper, easier, tastes better.
  • ^^Truth. If you have a peanut allergy, there are worse things than saying 'Never again' to peanuts. If you have celiaic disease, you do not 'miss' gluten. If one or two foods are keeping you from your goals, it is okay to eliminate them; at least until you are over them! For the majority, moderation works - many, many…
  • I have two: The Slight Edge: Simple disciplines repeated over time will create success, while simple mistakes repeated over time will create failure. Jeff Olson Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending. Maria Robinson
  • I guess I'm from another planet, because I can't imagine any scenario whatsoever where I would appreciate someone pointing out to me that I have gained weight. I'd be thinking; 'So, not only do you think I'm fat, but you think I'm so stupid that I haven't noticed? Great! My self esteem is in the gutter because of body…
  • You are correct on all counts. You don't HAVE to torture yourself to lose weight and it isn't fair to expect that you can't lose weight without doing so. I'm one of those very hungry people and I have successfully reached my goal weight and maintained. I did this by setting my goal to only lose 1/2 a pound a week and my…
  • Yes, I schedule some form of exercise every day. About once a week I 'allow' myself to miss it, but instead do something physical that needs doing like heavy gardening or strenuous cleaning - but I don't 'count' it as exercise, I view it as a rest day. I learned that I have to treat exercise like every other chore in life.…
  • It wasn't (and isn't) enough for me either, although many people seem to do fine on that or even less. I set my MFP goal to lose only 1/2 a pound a week (a 250 cal deficit) and lost weight continuously until I reached my goal. If I would have tried to go lower, I know I would have gotten discouraged and quit. P.S. I also…
  • Me too, I am busy and active, not stressed. This puts me in a good mood and keeps me focused on eating Right and LIGHT!
  • I started on MFP the same way. I was ALWAYS so hungry I couldn't have stayed under calories if I hadn't done the following: I had to change WHAT I ate in order to stay within calories. I had to ADD many foods, like extra protein, and other nutrients as well as avoid high sugar, low nutrition 'empty' calories. Also, I had…
  • I found that for ME to lose and maintain, I have to avoid certain foods and I have to get some form of exercise everyday. I cannot just eat 'whatever I want' or 'eat anything in moderation'. Rather than fight it, I accept it and am happy I found a solution that works for me. I don't feel 'deprived' probably in the same way…
  • Nay. Too much sodium. Too many other additives. Too few calories that don't have a good balance of carbs / protein / healthy fat. Not enough veggies. If I want a low cal snack, I just have some yogurt or cottage cheese with fruit and nuts.
  • THIS ^^^^ But I would add health issues as the number one culprit before changes in lifestyle...like a difficult pregnancy or a major illness. These have a way of spiraling out of control when you get older because it is harder to heal and recover PLUS the youthful enthusiasm to keep yourself in shape gets shunted to the…