maaalva Member


  • Thank you so much for the advices! I check a few starting numbers on Fitocracy, mine is not actually THAT bad.... I was just feeling down about not having too many and the workouts are so hard I was afraid I wouldn't handle it. I know the pain will be worth it! Thanks again ^^
  • ^-^
  • @Xoxkellyxox: Self control is everything, and everything I don't have! How do you manage it? :( Thank you! @zyntx: Gracias! I can understand you, but I can't reply in spanish haha sorry! I'll read that right now! Thank you so much! @NoMoreJellyRo: Thank you! Its nice to hear that I'm not the only one... And WOW, 75lb is an…
  • I want my boyfriend to look at me and think "my girlfriend is sexy as hell!" and I want some acquaintances to look at me and think "HOW THE @!#$* DID SHE MADE IT??"
  • Of course you are!!! And WELL DONE, that's AMAZING! @Duckymoo Accepted! LETS DO THIS!
  • Definitely this, but I'm shorter though.
  • Thats me! :) I'm 5'2''ish, but my goal is 110lb, as I used to be 3 years ago... My current weight is 151 Starting was 170... But we're already friends, I'm just letting you know ;) See ya
  • Thats amazing! Keep going girl ! By the way, I just HAVE to say. LOVED you with pink hair.
  • Thanks everyone... I'll set an apointment with my doctor AND buy a HRM... The HRM may take a while though. fastbelly: I ate about 20 minutes before going to the gym. Obrigada ^^ firedragon064: It wasnt 3 hours of cardio, dont worry. Most of it was strengh training. ^^ Thanks !
  • Youre not alone. I cant say I wouldnt like to run, but I cant because of my heart condition. Since I was born I cant run or accelerate my heart rate too much with anything, but I wasnt fat at all, and now its really getting in my way. But it is still possible. I've lost 14 pounds in about two months. I cant handle running…
  • Thanks everyone ! I guess I'll just keep losing weight and hoping I notice the difference. My friends dont know that I am trying to lose weight and they keep asking me if I lost some. I guess its just me then. Will also do some more workouts... Thanks again ^^
  • I guess it a lot harder, but still havent watched the whole video to see how long it takes. Done the 30DS though, kikced my butt HARD...
  • I use cinnamon oil, it worked perfecltly in my tights in two days, but in a month it still had no "permanent" effect on my waist...
  • Added. :) I'm from Brazil... Thanks everyone, I really appreciate the advices. ^^ Oh, and one thing I forgot to mention, I'm not planning on doing the second right after the first... I actually have a lot of free time most days of the week, so I can have a break between them.
  • I'm doing it for about a month now... Its really great! Also with low weight, but its normal. You'll probably feel a little pain on the first days, but it gets better.
  • I'm totally in... :) Mesurement August 29th Goal for Sept: 4-5 inches Thighs: 53 inches (together) Arm: 23.6 inches (together) Waist: 43.7 inches Hips: 43.3 inches Chest: 42.5 inches (Not rounded because my country uses cm)
  • CW - 76.5kg = 168.6 lbs H: 5'24" GW: 50kg = 110 lbs Age: 17 Looked up everyone... where is my twin? :( Message me if you will :)
  • May I join? The only thing is that, since I live in Brazil, my english is a little fail xD And I keep track of my weight loss in kg. Is that alright?