mmarcy7 Member


  • I believe in order for a dog to be poisoned by garlic or onion, they would have to eat quite a lot, like an entire onion. A little bit mixed up in some meat is ok. My pets are not overweight. I wish it was so easy to control my own weight. If we could just get a bag of people chow and you could eat so much per day and you…
  • Yes, I hear people say 10 lbs is a dress size, but I have only gone down 1 size, maybe 2 in certain pants and have lost 36 lbs!
  • I use is every day in my protein shakes. Tastes much better than mixing with water, and the Silk Almond Milk is only 30 calories.
  • The people getting down on the mother are probably envious that they don't have anyone to leave their baby with or the money to go on a vacation. I was breastfeeding and couldn't take a vacation away from my kids for several years. Would I have liked to? You bet your *kitten*. Doesn't make anyone a bad mother. Moms really…
  • I just figure there is the "singles" posts on mfp and then the rest of us. I've been married for 13 yrs and have no interest in any of that rate the person above you stuff. So, I ignore it and move along and see if there is a post I can relate to. Kind of annoying some days when every post seems to be like that, but I just…
  • Oh yeah, he's the top of my list too. Also Robert Downey Jr Matthew Mcconaughey (if he doesn't speak) Johnny Depp and random - Blair Underwood and girl crush - Salma Heyak
  • All you can do it start again. I am in the same boat. I have slowly started eating less healthy, and am now noticing how tired and crabby I am because of it. So, that's it. Tomorrow it's off to the store to buy some good healthy foods, make a list of healthy meals to make this week, and get back on track.
  • I'll take him
  • This is what we did before having kids also (had the kids on purpose). Any kind of hormone bc made me CRAZY.
  • Tubes tied, best ever. I had it done during my last C-Section though, so don't know what all is involved otherwise. I have several friends who like Mirena.
  • I just put a can of it on my salads. I actually can't eat a salad unless its got some meat in it.
  • Meth is a helluva drug Just say no kids
  • Gross, I even feel good about myself after seeing that, yuck, what has she done to herself. I am way older and breastfed kids for 5 yrs and my boobs are perkier than that, blech.
  • I did until a few days ago. I realized whatever the scale said that day totally set up my mood for the day. So, I have decided to only do it once or twice a week so it doesn't ruin my every day if it doesn't go down, or happens to go up.
  • I found out I have gluten intolerance. So, I was looking online for gluten free recipes and stumbled onto Paleo/Primal websites. I also read Wheat Belly and realized all the health issues I had could pretty much be traced to eating grains. I do eat some dairy though. I just went back and looked at my food diary from that…
  • I went to Disney for 5 days in June and did fine. Go to the buffets, you can choose what you want there, salad, salmon, etc. That damn dessert they include gets you, but I have to say I LOVED the chocolate mousse that they have everywhere. I ate it and logged it. Lunch was harder, I pretty much ate chicken caesar salad…
  • I agree, after a quick look at your diary you don't seem to be eating enough calories. I didn't see many veggies or healthy fats. I just got over a plateau by upping my calories. Not saying it's for everyone, but if what you are doing doesn't seem to be working can't hurt to try something different.
  • Go to Settings at the top of the page and set your Diary Settings to public.
  • Need a little more info. If you want to open your diary we can take a look and maybe help more. How long have you been doing it? How much do you have to lose? (If it's a low amount it may be harder)
  • Usually 50-60%. I eat a lot of nuts, so that usually gets mine up there. Been doing it about 5 months. I recently upped my total calories and have finally started losing weight again after a major plateau.
  • Work at home making handmade soap, lotion, soy candles, and other natural skin care products.
  • My husband has passed me on weight loss even though I started before him. But he has more to lose, so I let it slide. It does keep me motivated to keep up with him though. And he is looking good and has more energy, so kind of a bonus for me too. :wink:
  • Whaaat? We want too many rights? What country do you live in. I would like all the freedoms I can get and then some. Yes, I believe all people should be allowed to decide when it's time to end it. We put pets out of their misery, but people must suffer endlessly for years. My whole family knows to pull the plug on me…
  • I'm in Grand Rapids
  • I ate a ton of ice cream yesterday, I didn't even log it all I was so embarrassed, but today I know why. Luckily once it starts I don't eat much, so I guess it all evens out in the end. Sucks being a girl sometimes.
  • I am from MI and have a friend here who is originally from Canada who just told me about this, and how he is a laughing stock in Canada. I would say yes it is typical American cop behavior, but that doesn't mean he isn't an embarrassment. The crime rate is no worse than it has been in past, everything is just…
  • Yes, that's quite low carb. I just try to keep mine under 100.
  • This. What is wrong with hand washing? Do they stink? If not, wear em. ETA - Washing machines are not magic. Sometimes you can do a more thorough job of washing something by hand. Is it gross to hand wash dishes if you don't have a dish washer?
  • Did you take body measurements? The scale may not be going down, but maybe you are losing inches if you have added in lots of exercise. It's always hard to lose a friend, so sorry.
  • I guess if you tried lowering and it didn't help, you can try the other route and see what happens.