

  • Good for you! Congratulations!
  • Hi, Kelly! I wish you much luck in what you wish to achieve! Your story sounds so heartbreaking and I wish you the best. I can't imagine going through something like that. Feel free to friend me if you want some extra support! This is much easier with friends. -Sara
  • Thank you for the websit tip! I will check that out. I did plan meals for the week and let my boys know what they were. When we got to chicken night, they made nasty faces, but I told them that they had to give me at least one night a week to cook chicken. They agreed, but it wasn't their choice anyway. I just let them…
  • Hello! My parents and my Aunt all had weight loss surgery together a few years ago. It was a slow start in getting the excersise that they needed, but they kept at it and all three of them lost over 100 lbs. My aunt lost over 170 lbs. Just a little at a time until you buld up your endurance and you will get there! -Sara
  • Thank you! -Sara