

  • I got one of those body firmers (looks like panties but comes up to the bottom of your bra), and yes, it is hot, especially in the summer, but if you wear it while you work out, it seems to help keep everything tighter even when you are not working out. Don't know if it's a permanent solution to the loose skin, but seems…
  • Going meat free wouild not work for me because now that it's warm outside, I've just got to have a good steak or burger off the grill once in awhile! I have cut my portion size down to the recommended amount of 3 or 4 oz., which is hard when you've got a big juicy steak on the grill!
  • Kellogs Fiber Plus bars do it for me -- My favorite is the Caramel Coconut Fudge bar -- 130 calories and only 4 g of fat! Just like eating a candy bar! The fiber fills you up and lasts longer without all the sugar!
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