

  • I was vegetarian for 4 years. I read Peter Singer's Animal Liberation and found his arguments about the immorality of inflicting suffering on a sentient being to be very persuasive. Buy your parents one of his books on the ethics of eating animals and I am pretty sure they will understand. Unfortunately, I am sad to say…
  • Started yesterday! Good luck! I am quite out of shape but Day 1 wasn't too bad. Not even sore today...I am sure that will change soon. I am also aiming for a 5k in April. I walked it last year. Hope to run it this year. All the best!
  • Hi! This is my first weight loss group. I start work at the end of July and will need to lose ten pounds to fit into all the suits I bought last year. Should be a little tricky as I will be on vacation. I think joining a group will help me stay on track!