swediey Member


  • Good to know few new programs which I haven't aware of. kenj_06, Great going ..hope you successfully complete your C25K. mistybloggs ,Great going.n kudos... Which one do you think is best to loose weight between Jillian Michaels ripped in 30 and 30 day shred ? I never tried Jillian Michaels workouts before infact I'm new…
  • Glad to see all of you interested in loosing weight. Yes i know its tuff to stick to the plan but just lets try all I have created new topic to kick start the process . Interested candidates can reply to the post "Lets Doooo it !!"
  • Happy Friday !! Yesterday I did warmup by playing Xbox kinect Dance central for an hr along with by hubby Its the Down song..wow the steps are too good and most of them are non repetitive... of course I won it ha ha ha :) :) and unlocked few players in it after a long time .. Woo..So interesting... I'm sooooo loving it…
  • I'm in. Thanks.