

  • You should be a mentor for us newbies! Tell me about your routine, what was your inspiration? What did you do differently when it was raining or during the winter, when the sidewalks are covered with snow or even ice... What did you do to prevent injuries? I have too many questions! I want to do it also, without getting…
  • I'm also new at this. Maybe we can be new together :) I started walking 2 min then jogging for 1 minute. That was a challenge! I'm getting better. If I can do you can do it to. Are you planning on working out mornings or evenings? What are your goals? Pictures are a great motivator also.
  • You are doing a great job. Your cheekbones look awesome also. What are your next goals? Keep posting your picts. You are looking really good!
  • Sounds like you might be gaining muscle. Those weight more than fat.
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