1 Month Measurements...

annnd I've lost ZERO inches and ZERO weight! If anything, I've gained 3lbs but I think that is because TOM is around the corner?? I don't know.. kind of discouraging... I was hoping I'd lose SOMETHING after a month of working out almost every day. Hmm any suggestions??


  • ginny1214
    ginny1214 Posts: 338
    How much do you weigh? What kind of working out are you doing?
  • How much do you weigh? What kind of working out are you doing?

    I was 128 last month today--today I weigh 131 :( I do about 20-40 mins of cardio everyday and circuit training/regular weights etc.. I've also taken up hiking..
  • jupaba
    jupaba Posts: 25
    What about your eating habits?
  • What about your eating habits?

    Most of the time I do good, last night ... not so much. But my diary is public so feel free the check out the past week or so...
  • Sounds like you might be gaining muscle. Those weight more than fat.
  • I feel you. Granted, my eating habits still arent stellar. It can be discouraging, but just keep going. If anything, be more determined this next month. Just dont give up.
  • Sounds like you might be gaining muscle. Those weight more than fat.

    I sure hope I am gaining muscle! I need it !
  • I feel you. Granted, my eating habits still arent stellar. It can be discouraging, but just keep going. If anything, be more determined this next month. Just dont give up.

    Thanks for the kind words :)
  • Looking at your food diary, you are most defiantly retaining water with the amount of sodium you eat.
  • ginny1214
    ginny1214 Posts: 338
    I looked at your diary. See for me personally what you're eating, I'd gain weight too. Lol! But my body is very temperamental. When you have after dinner snacks, what time are you eating those? My after dinner snacks are like carrots, spinach, things like that. If I consumed that much after dinner it'd be bad news for me. Now I'm bad at tracking my food, and I realized last week my app was under a diff account than online oops so one of my stuff was syncing. So my diary is pretty blank. But I would def watch sodium and carbs. I'm a total gym rat now and do strength 3x a week and cardio for 45-60 min now depending in what class I'm taking; Zumba or spin.
  • Looking at your food diary, you are most defiantly retaining water with the amount of sodium you eat.

    Thanks for the input! I'll try to cut back, but it is so hard to find budget friendly foods that are healthy especially where I live, there is one VONS and one Rite-Aid, that's it!
  • I looked at your diary. See for me personally what you're eating, I'd gain weight too. Lol! But my body is very temperamental. When you have after dinner snacks, what time are you eating those? My after dinner snacks are like carrots, spinach, things like that. If I consumed that much after dinner it'd be bad news for me. Now I'm bad at tracking my food, and I realized last week my app was under a diff account than online oops so one of my stuff was syncing. So my diary is pretty blank. But I would def watch sodium and carbs. I'm a total gym rat now and do strength 3x a week and cardio for 45-60 min now depending in what class I'm taking; Zumba or spin.

    My after dinner snacks are really like dessert or after dessert snacks (bad?), I usually eating them around 8pm or 9pm..
  • tasoconnor
    tasoconnor Posts: 421 Member
    try adding MORE water to help flush the sodium and try eating your after dinner snack atleast two hours before bed and keep it light.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I noticed that you go over calories quite often. Also you eat back exercise calories - but this can backfire if the estimate of cals burned doing those exercises is wrong (ie low) because then you're actually eating over without knowing it. I like to err on the side of caution and not eat them all back.
  • Thanks for all the advice everyone!
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    Also, where all are you measuring. I didn't think I was losing inches till my sister pointed out my thighs and arms. I didn't used to measure those. Try measuring more areas than mfp suggests.
  • Is it possible that you're already at your correct weight ans your body doesn't want you to lose any more?
  • I am measuring my calfs, thighs, hips, waist, biceps, and forearms...
  • Is it possible that you're already at your correct weight ans your body doesn't want you to lose any more?

  • *bump*