

  • Thanks for your amazing post and photos. Inspirational for me as both a mom, and a vertically challenged person (4'11 1/2). I started at 136lbs and just reached 127lbs. You are amazing. Well done!!!!
  • Mine was set to sedentary, but since I have committed to, at the very least, 30 mins of "actual" exercise time per day (as opposed to running after the kids), I'm set to mildly active.
  • That's all sorts of awesome! :D Good going, you must be feeling pretty great.
  • Hi! Newbie to MFP forums but been on MFP since April 2011 or so. I'm 4:11 and slightly under a half and finding other people at my height is just incredible!!! 187 lbs at my heaviest (I think I weighed more but I stopped getting the scales at that point) 137.7lbs just before MFP. I had got myself down to here on my own,…