

  • Welcome! How about this for a temptation: I live above a diner, which my parents own and I happen to work in and I ALWAYS get to eat for free in it, lol. So I know just how you feel with the temptation.
  • I may have to go with what a few said and just dip whatever into ranch. I've tried the balsamic vinergarette and didn't care for it. I'm always wanting ranch, lol. Ranch was like a gravy for me, lol. Thanks for the help!
  • Thanks for the welcome!
    in New Comment by nelly8807 July 2008
  • I'm pretty picky about my salad dressings. When I wasn't dieting I liked Ranch, Basil Vinergerette, and Italian. But now that I'm dieting, I've found I don't like the light or fat free Ranch, or the fat-free Italian. I've also tried the Ranch Salad Spritzer and didn't care for that. So I was wondering if anyone had any…
  • Hmm...guess I should not drink so much of the water mix with the Crystal Light Packets. I get tired of plain water pretty quickly. If it's just plain water, sometimes I'm sipping on that bottle for hours and hours. But if I add the Crystal Light Lemonade or Fruit Punch, I can drink those up pretty quickly. So that's why…
  • Hey all. I'm 20 and from Maine. Currently a student. I'm just trying to get more healthy. I've been a member here for over a week but thought I'd now start posting. Have a good day all!
    in New Comment by nelly8807 July 2008
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