catsinbooks Member


  • Thanks everyone! I'll definitely try out the rowing machine and swimming :)
  • You look fantastic! I'm the same as you - no misconceptions that you'll get bulky without putting in lots of effort, but was worried about looking too "straight up and down". And I agree - your thighs are amazing! You look healthy and lovely. Thanks for the inspiration!
  • This is my FAVOURITE vegan salad recipe. Don't get put off that it's a salad, it's super delicious and really filling. Ingredients: 2 x green apples, diced 1 x red capsicum - that's a pepper, for you Americans out there ;) , diced 1 x avocado 300 grams tofu, diced 1 x lemon 2 x tablespoons olive oil Baby spinach leaves…
  • "I also got a big laugh out your putting forth this idea like you came up with it all by yourself. Someone brings this up several times a week on this forum and it's been out there for years and years. So congrats on coming up with a "new" idea all on your own. " Play nice. Lots of people come up with theories and ideas…
  • This sounds delicious! I love avocado on toast, so I'm looking forward to this more portable option : )