

  • I struggle all the time to eat my 1200 calories and if I've excercised even more so..... I don't count my sugars anymore as I've not got a sweet tooth but found frozen vegetables contained a certain amount of sugars along with fruit...Quite disheartening when you try your best to eat healthily then see those red numbers…
  • What's up chicken, add me as a friend if you like, here if you want to offload, helps to get things off your chest!!
    in why Comment by Shelley2210 June 2011
  • I've tried it, it basically cleanses the gut, making your bowels work more hence reducing that bloated feeling. Meant to be used in conjunction with a colon cleanse but found it just as productive on it's own.
  • Chesterfield, been on here a week..feel free to add
  • Welcome, Only joined myself a couple of days ago and I'm loving putting in everything I'm eating and having the calories all worked out for me, can't wait for my first weigh in on Sunday, hopefully I've lost some to make the efforts all worthwhile :smile:
  • Well done, keep up the good work. I've joined today, I've only got about 14lb to lose, might not seem a lot but being only a shorty (5ft 0) I don't carry extra weight very well even if it is only a few pound. Maybe this site will inspire me, reading all the success stories. Well done again :smile: