Quick Question

KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
Hi All =)

I've got the rest of my food planned out for the day and here's my quandry. I'm sitting at 1,050, with 0 points left in Sugar, but 5 points over in fat. What do I do? I thought about peanuts but that's a ton of fat calories. Is it ok because it's healthy fats?

Or do I just let it go and stay as is. I've been struggling to even get to 1200 calories the past few days and I hate to eat, just to eat.

Thanks in advance!


  • Karyn1120
    Karyn1120 Posts: 184 Member
    If I'm not hungry, I don't eat. You're close to 1200, and being below that number once in a while shouldn't cause a problem. You don't want to be under target all the time though.
  • donbet69
    donbet69 Posts: 133
    I would stay as is, why eat just to eat.
  • LillysGranny
    LillysGranny Posts: 431
    Maybe you need to eat a chicken breast or can of tuna.
  • angiesteele
    angiesteele Posts: 366 Member
    I agree, as long as you are satisfied then leave it as it is.
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    Being below for a day won't hurt you. It's actually prescribed in methods like calorie zigzag'ing. If you want something, though, go for some extra lean protein or fat free milk. You're probably going to end up with a little more fat or sugar no matter what, though.
  • Jreneewright
    dont eat just because MFP says you need more calories.. your doing just fine and your body is telling you that its satisfied... no biggie..
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    Thanks all! So happy I joined this site =)
  • Shelley2210
    I struggle all the time to eat my 1200 calories and if I've excercised even more so..... I don't count my sugars anymore as I've not got a sweet tooth but found frozen vegetables contained a certain amount of sugars along with fruit...Quite disheartening when you try your best to eat healthily then see those red numbers creep in at the end of your food diary. Don't beat yourself up about it!