ycbrewster Member


  • Yes, gum is a good deterrent.
  • That's how I've had the best success, too. Not giving up completely, but cutting back. I still treat myself, I just make better "other" choices to offset that day. Just have to be honest about the "amount", I have found that is the key to my success. I measure everything. I've still managed to lose 20 pounds...not too bad.…
  • I'm going more with this thought process too. If you spike your sugar level, your body is going to start storing carbs as fat. It's not so much the calories you take in as much as it is the calories you take in and what you BURN...if you peak your sugar levels in essence you're changing your metabolism and burning…
  • That's how I do it too. I'm currently unemployed, and I'm finding my regular schedule is getting off, and that I'm sometimes having snacks/breakfast at weird hours...but a 12:00a.m. to11:59p.m. concept makes it pretty easy...
  • I'd like to add friends approx. same age/weight as myself for the best support possible. Please feel free to add me...44 next month, just slightly under 5'2 and weigh 155lbs....