japruzze Member


  • After that intense a workout and not eating since noon AND then "pouring" a glass of wine I would have expected that kind of physical reaction! Next time eat before you drink. Some protien before you pour next time would be a better option! Low blood sugar isn't something to play around with. OJ is a quick fix but this…
  • I agree, up your protien. You want to be closer to 100. Try Greek yogurt, tuna, low fat cheeses, and the like.
  • 1. Make sure your gym allows it. 2. Make sure it fits right and provides support. 3. Be prepared to be stared at by both men and women. Never saw anyone at my gym do it. But I really don't care what you wear.
  • Sometimes when the scale is stuck, you have to shake things up. I found that eating more for a week was enough to kick start the weight loss again. I'm not talking going crazy. Maybe add 200-300 calories and focus on protien. Works for me!
  • Monday - Friday noon, I'm able to hold it together without cheating. Friday noon - Sunday I fall apart. I call it the weekend. Some call it cheat days. Its really just lack of self control.
  • Bump.
  • Hard to make suggestions with little info. Are you hungry sticking to 1200 calories? What are you eating? Your diary isn't open. I find that lean protein keeps me full and it I stick to "lean" fat isn't usually an issue. I also try to stay away from bread, pasta, rice, etc. I get my carbs from fruits, veggies and non-fat…
    in Help Comment by japruzze January 2013
  • I don't worry about going over on protein. I don't pay attention to fiber.
  • Sometimes eating too little can result in not losing. But then again, if you're not hungry, why eat. You know your body best. My only suggestion would be to get more protien in on a daily basis.
  • Weight loss surgery is a tool, not a solution. If you have no motiviation to lose weight, you won't be motivated as a result of the surgery. Its hard work and there are all sorts of risks if you don't follow the plan. Its all about you. Are you ready to make a life change? If you aren't, nothing is going to work! I hope…
  • I've just started using Lean Cuisne for lunch at work. I found three that I am trying that do't have any pasta, rice, potato or bread as I try to stick to a low carb diet plan and prefer to get my carbs from dairy and veggies. I don't find the sodium to be all that high. In fact much lower than some of the low sodium soups…
  • Good for you, Erin! You can't take care of your family without first taking care of yourself! It took me a long time to figure that out! You can get lots of advise (take it with a grain of salt) and support (grab it with both hands) from the people on this site. But in the end, its all about YOU and all up to YOU. Good…
  • I stick with 1200 cal a day with my macros set at 40/35/25 protien/carbs/fat. I eat 6 small meals a day. Eating frequently keeps my blood sugar balanced and keeps me from getting hungry. Protien is a mut have at every meal. I also try to not eat ack more than half my exercise calories. I've been off plan for a while now…
  • If you didn't respond I give you credit. It was an inappropriate comment. Some people are incredibly stupid and uncaring.
  • I don't know how much carrying the extra weight will mean for calculating calories burned. You could play with some of the calories burned calculators on the web and add the extra weight to your weight to see what the impact is on the result. Ni use a heart rate monitor to determine calories burned. The calculators always…
  • See your doctor. In the meantime small frequent eating will help with keeping your blood sugar stable and help with weight loss. Make sure you have some protien with each mini-meal. Good luck!
  • Not sure what you're asking about.
  • Without seeing your diary it's hard to make suggestions. Try eating more frequently. Keep to low fat proteins, non-fat dairy, low sugar fruits (berries) and veggies. I have a hard time getting my calories in (when I'm on plan). If I stay below 1200 consumed (I don't try and eat back calories burned) for any length of time…
  • If you do no fat products, switch to low fat. Look at eating turkey and chicken for breakfast. Can you do soy? There are lots of soy based protien supplements you could try too to keep calories in line, increase protien and keep carbs low. Good luck! It's all about finding a balance that works for you!
  • I do best with 40% protien, 35%carb and 25%fat. I try to stay away from bread, pasta, rice and potatoes. I limit them to 1 small portion at dinner. I feel best when I eat this way.
  • Not sure where you are located but I find my workout clothes at Outlet stores -Nike, Adidas, Under Arnor all have options that will work with your style. But in the end it's not what you wear, it's what you do!
  • Since losing weight (170lbs), I get cold easily all the time. As for bones, I still get freaked out when I look in the mirror.
  • Non-fat Greek yogurt, low fat cheese, chicken, eggs, non-fat milk, green tea, peppermint tea.
  • 1. Milk...I've gotten used to non-fat simply smart milk. Took a while to "train" my pallet but I did it. I stepped down slowing to make it work for me. Major dislike almond and soy. Tried but just couldn't do it. I'm trying to reduce dairy but milk, yogurt and cheese are staples. I'm reducing due to sugar. A lot of my…
  • I guesstimate calories and add them. Created a "food" for myself called COSTCO Snacks and add the calories that way so I remember what it was I ate.
  • Costco or BJs (club store) have the best prices. But not a lot of variety.
  • I am a cronic low carber. LOW not NO. During the week (Sunday 7pm to Friday Noon) I do not eat bread, cereal, crackers, rice, pasta, etc. I do eat yogurt (lots of carbs in dairy products) veggies and fruits. I set my goal to be 35% of my calories from carbs. On the weekends (Friday Noon to Sunday 7pm) I relax the…
  • First relax. It happens. I agree with skinnynerd (love the name) I can't really suggest anything without looking at your diary. However, a few things to consider...sometimes you need to eat more and exercse less. Yes, I know, that's how we got into this situation. But I've found that when I get "stuck" relaxing the…