

  • WHO: Erin WHERE: illinois WHEN: MONDAY, Jan 13th HOW: jillian michaels dvds WHY: I just had a baby in august and I am looking to continue to drop some of the weight I gained before getting pregnant and look healthier for my wedding this May.
  • This week was decent. I stuck to my workouts and noticed my endurance has improved even in just this first week. My eating could.have been better but i graduated college yesterday so i had so many dinners this weekend for celebrating but i am proud of my self for sticking to my diet outside of the celebratory diners. s…
  • I started Sunday so Tuesday (today) could be my rest day. I have been doing additional cardio workouts to kinda jump start everything. I've lost 4 pounds so far! I plan to do weekly weigh ins and then do measurements, pics, and weight every 30 days as well. I am loving TF!!!
  • Hello, I recently ordered a used copy of Turbo Fire and I am hoping to get it in a few days. I have been up and down with my weightloss the last four years and my goal this summer is to get back into shape. I tried to do P90x a few months back but the time commitment was too much with school, internship, work, and family…
    in Welcome! Comment by edahl9689 April 2012