

  • Chromium. $4 a bottle that will last AT LEAST a month.
  • HAHAHA! The bowflex is amazing! It's been two weeks and I am already seeing results! The key to the bowflex is that you have to be "selfmotivated". No gym to drag your butt to and then be forced to work out because you are there. I can understand how you are home and its easier to talk yourself out of it. Really need to be…
  • I sure will! So far I am still getting used to the cables. I have problems with my shoulders from when I was in the military so I couldn't use very much free weights for fear of them dropping on me. (Didn't always have a spotter) With these cables it will be a lot easier for me and also build my confidence in my shoulder…
    in Bummed! Comment by Blindmethod July 2008
  • 2 hours later I have it put together! FINALLY! I think that was a workout in itself....
    in Bummed! Comment by Blindmethod July 2008
  • MWAHAHAHA! So it begins! My Bowflex arrived in 6 wonderful boxes today. They are sitting in the garage as we speak. I have just been going over the installation manual and will start here shortly. Wish me luck!
    in Bummed! Comment by Blindmethod July 2008
  • Thanks! I have only been with this site for a week and I have the "shock and awe" going on with this calorie counting all of a sudden! I actually realize why I couldnt lose weight before...I was eating the wrong things!
  • Nevermind...I got it!
    in tickers Comment by Blindmethod July 2008
  • Do I have to cut and paste this in everytime I post? Created by - Free Calorie Counter
    in tickers Comment by Blindmethod July 2008
  • Ok, I am going camping with some buddies and I have a notion that I will probably blow my whole calorie "allowance" each day...Did you know that 24 bottles of Corona is well over 3000 calories? I think I am gonna be in trouble... Oops. Ok, so I won't drink 24 a day, but quite a few and then smores and other "camping" food!…
  • I kinda like the yellow one. Matches my motorcycle...maybe I need a different color motorcycle!
  • I thought i was supposed to drink a gallon a day! What am I "supposed" to drink? I drink my diet coke religiously! Does that count? I swear I could drink a gallon of that!
  • i had ordered my Bowflex Revolution and it was supposed to be delivered today. Tracked it via UPS website and it was scheduled for delivery. I cleared out the required space in my garage and sat there waiting for the truck to come... It never came. Found out it was rescheduled for the next day!! :sad: I will be out of town…
    in Bummed! Comment by Blindmethod July 2008
  • Thanks for the welcome, everyone. I am really looking forward to working with this site toward my goal. It really is a lot easier to try and take on knowing that I have this much support and I thank you all in advance. Just today I have already blown my suggested calorie intake, but my main page says that if I continue…
  • Brand new to this. My wife showed me this and I am doing as I am told. So far this is a very useful site. I am a little disappointed in how little I am "allowed" to eat now that I am actually counting calories toward my goal. I think I am going to starve not being able to eat like I used to, but the its worth it all in the…