mandarinpeel Member


  • Just got back from vacation. We had no Internet access :( hard to stick to my calories so I did gain some weight now at 199. I'm ready to get going again, also I got a new job and I have to get new work clothes, no more scrubs for me so that will help motivate me!
  • My husband and I are trying to have a baby. It's part of the reason I got serious about weight loss. I'm having some other issues , but my doctor seemed to think that being over weight is my biggest barrier. Not sure if I agree, but I'm glad to be getting healthier. Good luck on everything though!
  • Gah first week and I forgot! Next week I'll be out of town but will try to remember! I only lost .2 lbs so might as well stay at the 197 for now. Way to go to all who lost or remembered to post! :)
  • I'm ready to do this! Starting weight: 197 Christmas goal: 160 Mini bio: my name is Amanda and I'm 26 years old from Iowa. I'm trying to get healthy for myself and to help my husband and I have a baby. I just started the couch to 5k just slowly get into running/jogging. I just hope can stick with this
  • Yay! :)