

  • Lucky you! I've tried that before but it never works for me. So now I'm watching what I eat and going to the gym 4 times a week and doing exercises at home. Gah. I hate this stinkin baby weight. It's been a year and won't go away. Send some of that good weight loss karma this way.
    in 17 down!!! Comment by rberry89 June 2012
  • Thats great! Especially in that short amount of time. How did you do it?
    in 17 down!!! Comment by rberry89 June 2012
  • I prefer to work out in the morning. I may be tired nut if I dont go to the gym un the mornjng then I wont go at all that day. Plus there are set times on when I can go because since the daycare hours are weird. Plus working out in the morning makes my day go by much smoother.
  • We do have a local college in town but there are no bike trails since its inbthe center of our downtown area. There are a few other parks in town that i maybe able to utilize. Plus now that I think about it, since school is out here in town I may be able to ride around the schools since they are set far back from the road.…
  • We have two 3 mile trails in town that are designated for walkers, runners, and bikers that the city built for the town. I really wish the roads here are safer but I live in a Military town and everyone treats the roads as if it's a race track. I grew up in the country in California where it was safe to play in the street.…
  • Thanks for the info! I thinknI'll give both options a thought. I just dont think I'd be comfortable riding in my neighborhood. Who knows. Ill just have to make up my mind. Lol. Thanks for your help.
  • You look fantastic! I had never heard of CLX until now, and I'm already amazed by it. Now lets hope I can talk the hubby into buying it.
  • I'm the opposite I would love a breast reduction. My knockers are gigantic. I had a DD cup all through high school and after I got pregnant they went up to DDD. Ugh. I hated them when they were DD. Everytime I mention wishing I could have a redution to my hubby he looks at me in horror. He says I can't take away his…
    in Boob job! Comment by rberry89 March 2012
  • Oh god I can't wait. I was a 36 DD before I got pregnant last summer and now I'm stuck with 38DDD. Dear god save me. I would love to see my feet again. I'm more than happy to share the wealth with anyone. Lol. =)
  • First I'd like to give you my sympathies. I know what it's like to lose a child. I miscarried 2 years ago and it took me a while to get over it. I'm so glad that you're trying to stay positive. But just so you know it's completely ok to cry and feel lost. It was a big event that you went through. I wish you the best with…
  • Thanks everyone. I'm really excited. I love the fact that I found a great gym with super nice people. No snobs at mine. Woohoo.