megamom Member


  • Thanks everyone. I am 64 and have rode several hundred miles but never used a helmet, I know they are good, just can't stand sweat in my eyes on the hot days. I have been lucky the few accidents I have had over the years only resulted in sprained ankles. I will check out the trek helmet and my local bike shop.
  • Hi everyone, happy May. I made my goal last month and now am out of the obese range, happy happy. Getting ready for a bike ride since the weather is nice. My goal this month is to lose the last 10 pounds, as slow as I am though it will probably be a couple of months. Julia
  • finally got around to doing a before and now shot. 81 pounds down from the first picture and about 16 to go, maybe more, I will decide when I get there. I have so few photos of me at my heaviest.
  • Morning ladies and hope everyone is doing great, Our weather is finally getting fairly decent so I walked the big dog down by the river, only to have another boxer get lose from him owner and charge my dog, They did the usual posturing and I though it would be ok since my dog is so mellow but the other dog decided to…
  • I think to have a successful weight loss looking at calories is good but you also have to look at your macros. Calculating those and the calories by the information you gave I have you at 2330 calories and Carbs: 186 G per day. Protein: 186 G per day. Fats: 41 G per day. If you wanted to lose faster just go to 2200. I have…
  • Morning everyone. I am getting ready for the gym and going to try some different things. My hips have been bothering me and I think it is from the treadmill. I think I am doing more harm then good so am looking for a different cardio. I am thinking of rejoining my other gym which had a pool as it is easier on my joints,…
  • I am 64 and not particularly fond of exercising either, but I do. Why, I am a nurse. I could tell you the reality of little activity and extra weight and what that does to your senior years, and it isn't pretty. not being able to clean yourself, not being able to do what you want to do, becoming a burden on your family no…
  • I am 64 and also looked into getting surgery. When I lost 56 pounds pre surgery diet I realized I could do this. Lots of starts and stops but I am 84 pounds lower then I was there and still losing, slow but steady. I came to realize I love foods and would not have been happy being so restricted with the surgery. Now I can…
  • Morning everyone, just catching up, working the last few days 12 hour shifts and I got way behind. I am pretty happy this week, down a couple of pounds and bought some new, used clothes off marketplace on facebook, they look brand new and are a size medium. I love it when clothes make me feel good even at 64, I felt hot,…
  • Morning everyone. I started off this morning with a pound loss which is good, I really have been working out lately and eating good, finally got to take the dogs for a long walk by the river, which is down several feet thanks goodness. I had a ton of clothes packed up to resell since they don't fit anymore but now I am…
  • Margaret , they are now having major flooding in several areas in our tristate area, the dam failed in Nebraska causing many towns to be evacuated and that means the large dam up river from us is having to release a lot more water which means a lot more flooding. I feel so sorry for the many people who have lost so much…
  • Hi everyone. Lots of rain and we have major flooding going on. 2 inches in my basement and my sump pump broke. More rain coming. sigh. My exercise will be cleaning the basement of all the ruined stuff and then trying to get the water out and bleaching. Our rivers are over the banks in many areas in Iowa, Nebraska and Sioux…
  • Sorry Carol, I will learn everyone's names eventually. It made such a huge difference in my dog I have to bath her twice a week but it is worth it to see all the sores gone and her skin healthy.
  • Morning everyone. Darn DLS time has messed up my routine so I am behind but am getting stuff done. Laundry and then off to the gym. I have had fun reading everyone's posts. Barbara, have you tried curabenz shampoo on your dog? My schnauzer mix had terrible allergic skin problems and this stuff cleared it up when nothing…
  • Hi everyone, my name is Julia, don't usually come to this part of MFP but thought I would check this group out. I am 64 and have lost 43 pounds this time, 5 before coming and total since I started to lose about 78. I hope to lose 20 more and then maintain, so my goal for this month is to lose 10 pounds but I usually only…
  • That seated leg curl just kills me yet. My legs are so wimpy. I like working out of the machines because I have lost enough weight I am trying to tone up some major sagging. I don't get much opportunity to take stairs but I to going to and coming from work, once I get to work I am stuck in my unit until we leave. I am a…
  • Partly to rehab after my surgeries and partly because the bikes I like, not the recliner ones are always in use when I first get there. I guess I thought stretching out of the treadmill would build up my strength as long as I alternate inclines. I will start with the bike next time in stead of end with it when I am done…
  • They have a stair step at the gym, Planet fitness. I have been avoiding it since I have a tricky knee but I will give it a shot. I love riding for fun, most of our rides are only 20 some miles and I take frequent breaks because I bring my camera and always find something to shoot. At my age I just want to ride for fun. On…
  • I won't eat margarine, butter only, but even that sparinly. I like less processed foods for the most part.
  • I have bad ligaments in both my ankles, caused by being over weight all my life. I have lost 68 pounds and work out at the gym 3 times a week. My problems is still my ankles, the left was repaired but the right is still weak. I have been working out trying to strengthen those muscles because I don't ever want to go through…
  • Another thing I really like is I make golden paste and take that every day. Some people hate the taste, I love it, so you can get it in pill form but it is lot more expensive, I also make my own pills for when I am out of town. It is one of the few things they think may be effective in DOMS. There are a lot of great…
  • I drink nuun electrolye when I do my workouts and take magnesium pills when the cramps get really bad.
  • When I stop losing I always change my eating around. I overeat, for me, one day and I usually will eat 3 pieces of Papa Murphys thin crust pizza, because I love it, then I will eat normal in my range for 3 days, then way under a couple of days and repeat. I will usually always see a weight loss that week of 1 to 2 pounds.…
  • I am 64 and have been a off again on again member for quite a few years. I am down a total of 58 pounds, 15 since I rejoined a few months ago. feel free to add me, we can all use all the support we can get.
  • I need to lose 8.6. Good luck to us all, I know we can do it.
  • looking for motivation and friends.
  • Once I figure out how to add you I will also.
  • I am on weight watchers and track both places.
  • being overweight puts more work on your bones and they do become larger just to help carry the weight, but the stress of being overweight wears the down faster, so yes, you can be big boned, some races have heavier bones, but if you're overweight most likely your big boned as your body tries to compensate.…