jpcamden Member


  • I hold the door for everyone. I don't hold it any longer for a pretty woman than I do for Joe Schmo. I'll hold it open if they're a little far away, I'm not usually in a crazy rush so a little niceness is worth it. Maybe they'll pass it on. I always attributed it to being raised in the South but from the looks of it, it's…
  • You look hot, why are you freakin out? Women.. I'll never understand you guys.
  • I work for AvisBudget and people return cars to me. Someone returned a car and left an afro wig in it, so I put it on and took a picture. Fun times.
  • Usually you can't tell, since you see yourself everyday. That's why I can't wait til I lose another 40 pounds and go into my ex's store. Gonna blow her mind haha.
  • Damn that's awesome! Only 6 months too.. Way to go sir.
  • Thanks. I've been doing the pushup program too and that helps tremendously. I figure if I do join the army I should go ahead and get better at running, situps and pushups.
  • @drgmac Where do I start? I love the smile!
  • My run time? That's laughable. More like run/walk. I'm just starting couch to 5k so I'm not exactly a great runner. I just do intervals and even those are hard. I'm a big guy and I've never been great at running. Trying to get better.
  • What a misleading title.. this topic needs more pictures. :tongue:
  • I know how you feel with the trying many times. This site does seem to help. Especially if you actually track everything. You will realize how much crap you eat. Plus random people telling me good job when I lose a few pounds is kinda nice. The success stories forum also blows me away. So anyway, maybe the third time is…
  • A lot of guys like big hips.
  • Everyone's a bit far to be running buddies, haha.
  • What that means is that he wants pictures of you in your string bikini. I second the notion! It's an internet thing. Saying pics or it didn't happen isn't saying he doesn't believe you, just that he wants pictures. Be flattered, not angry. :smile:
  • What do you mean such a slim list? haha If I knew of some reasonably priced recipes I'd eat more, but since salad stuff is cheap that's what I eat. I really like meat so I eat pork chops when I get the chance.
  • I'm actually not allergic to anything as far as I know. I don't like veggies haha. I eat cucumbers, carrots, and I can stand celery if it has something good on top. I've tried the celery plus cream cheese and I hated it. I just wanted some people who ate on the same diet as me so I can see what they're eating and the…
  • I like pale women. I also like when women don't have perfect teeth. Like when they're a little crooked or some are shorter than others. Other than that I guess I'm pretty normal, if there is a such thing as normal. Oh and I like slender necks, dunno why. Oh and faithfulness is the hottest thing ever. Haha.
  • Yeah I used to live right next to there actually. Right there on Kimeran. I ran that all the time. Well I say run but it was more like ran then walked then ran.
  • What are these macro things people keep talking about? The only macros I know about are in video games, haha
  • Hi guys, name's Jason. I'm 27 years old and from South Carolina. Gonna be going out of the format a little bit. I was at about 304lbs at my highest, and I'm down to around 275 right now. I work outside and I'm on my feet all day so that probably helps a little with the weightloss, but I'm a horrible dieter. I cheat too…
  • I think calling people African American is stupid. If blacks are African American, am I European American? Or what do you call black people in Africa? Africans? And if that's the case, then what is white people in Africa? Africans? If that's the case, then we're all Americans. We could end it there. None of my black…
  • Just joined your group Broseidon.
  • Where does the back gate exit at? I drive past the gate everyday but I don't know if it's the back gate. I drive by the one on Dorchester on the way to work. We could maybe run together, gotta find somewhere close to both of us.
  • I'm used to the heat now. Well mostly anyway. I work outside at the airport so I'm always in it. But I still don't want to go running in it, haha
  • I don't know if someone's mentioned this yet because I haven't read the entire thread yet, but here's a good tip for hot days. Fill your water bottle up halfway, and stick it in the freezer sideways. That way you have a big iceblock running the length of it. Now you can just refill it with water and you have cold water the…
  • You only live once. No ****... I could have sworn I was gonna live twice.
  • I wanna join the Army. Second reason is I want to walk into my ex's store after losing 50 pounds and rub it in. :tongue:
  • My optimism is actually pretty rare. I'm a pessimist at heart. You're probably right. It probably won't go away if people don't rally against it. I think I may have been having too much faith in our race. I should know better, seeing as how when we murder each other all the time for no reason. I hope it goes away, and if…
  • That's a good point Tameko. I didn't realize that he spent the company's profits to fund that. Thought he just did it with his own money. Which I guess would really be their profits anyway with him being CEO. I agree with you too Evan to some degree This "issue" is so ridiculous that I think it WILL go away on its own. I…
  • I'm super pro-gay, if that makes sense. I'm a straight guy but I think gays should be able to marry whoever the hell they want. At the same time though, people judging Chick Fila on their beliefs is just as bad as them judging other people. It's their opinion, who cares? They're not kicking gays out of their restaurant,…
  • Yeah it does. It's a little overkill, especially considering I can put another 4gb into it, but hey I don't mind. ;D