

  • I also started body by Vi about a month ago. They are not comparable to slim fast and they are not a so called quick fix. It was simply the extra push I needed to help me on my weight loss journey. I work out along with the shakes. Its really easy and they taste great! I have not quite got mine for free as everyone around…
    in body by Vi Comment by Jen1499 May 2011
  • What is calorie zig zagging?
  • 1400-1500 is my net im sorry, thats after subtracting the exercise.
  • I am in the same position. I gained about 30 lbs. I have since lost about 15 lbs since January, started body by Vi about a month ago and added exercise back into my life. I fit into my dress today, but would like it to fit more comfortably. Good luck to you all on your journey!
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