dmbjewel Member


  • YES! Then I bought something I found in a SkyMall catalogue called Varidesk. You put your monitor and keyboard on it, and it adjusts up and down so you can work standing or sitting. I love it!
  • Me too! But I'm determined to have two good fasts this week, and also to drag my butt to the gym this evening. There's no backing down now that I've put that out there for all of cyberspace to read!
  • *Keep walking every morning, even thought it's getting really cold & rainy! *Not eat the holiday treats that have ALREADY appeared in my office *Break the 200# threshold
  • I'm 5' 10", and my goal is to get to 190. I could probably get to 180, but that's probably too much work lol. The thinnest I've been is 165, but that was only after spending 24 days in the ICU on a feeding tube! I was stoked, but everyone else thought I looked sickly. Just skin and bones - no muscle, no fat. With my feet…
  • I have the same problem. But I do better on nights when I fill up on veggies (I eat a lot of lettuce, steamed broccoli, sautéed zucchini). And I mean fill up! If I'm super full from dinner, then I can't snack too much and a square of good quality dark chocolate satiates my sweet tooth. Also, the tooth brushing thing really…
  • In August, I started walking at least 5 days/week, covering 2 miles in 30 minutes. I also do 50 pushups each day, and some plank exercises for core strength. I think this is possibly the laziest workout ever, but I hate strength training and situps, and running hurts my knees, and I can get it all done in 45 minutes in the…
  • I've been doing it since August and have lost 17 lbs. It was hard at first, but after a couple weeks, the fasting got pretty easy. At first i was really cold, shaky, hungry, and had difficulty concentrating on fast days. but after 4 or 5 fasts, my body seems to have gotten used to it. Now I do feel hungry, but not…
  • Wool (Silo Saga)
  • I do this too! I eat lightly while I'm at work, and save the bulk of my calories for the evening. On days when I feel particularly peckish, I'll have a small snack right before I leave work (handful of almonds/piece of fruit). This takes the edge off so I don't feel so insanely ravenous when I get home that I eat the…
  • Phew, I made it. Success Go niners!
    in Fast day Comment by dmbjewel August 2013
  • 2nd fast of the week, and my head is not in the game today. I'm cranky, tired, hungry, my knees hurt from my run this morning, and there's a Niners' game on tonight (Go Niners!) and all I can think about is going home, watching the game and having a beer :drinker: - which is of course a no-no on fast days. I keep telling…
    in Fast day Comment by dmbjewel August 2013
  • Start weight - 222 Current weight - 218 Goal weigth - 200 (or maybe 190) i fast on tuesdays and thursdays becuase my husband isn't home for dinner those days, so i don't have to cook! on my non fast days, i'm eating 80% TDEE. i weigh in on monday mornings. i'm just finishing my third week on 5:2, and had my hardest day…